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Articles By chris coker

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A World Without... World Of Warcraft   By: chris coker
No, this isn't an article about what you might do if you suddenly logged in one morning and all your WoW gold achievements, and those epic mounts, were gone, or worse, if there wasn't a launcher to log in to. Rather, this is a speculative article about how the industry and MMO genre might be different had Blizzard chosen not to develop World of Warcraft.(read entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Games

Help, My Boyfriend Is A Wow Addict!   By: chris coker
If you've seen those videos of angry, neglected girlfriends deleting their boyfriends' World of Warcraft characters and are tempted to do the same, then stop right there and take a deep breath. There are better ways to handle a WoW addicted boyfriend – here are a few tips on how to deal with the situation before doing anything drastic.(read entire article)
View : 190 Times
Category : Games

Is Star Trek Online Everything It Could Have Been?   By: chris coker
To say that Trekkies have been waiting a long time for a really, really good “triple A” game based on the Star Trek license would be an understatement. In recent years, the games that have come closest to taking advantage of the source material were the Elite Force series. They were first person shooters and competent games that were fun, but Star Trek has never been about the action. No, Star Trek is about exploring the unknown, discovering new life and new civilizations.(read entire article)
View : 184 Times
Category : Games

Glyphs Go “medium” Size In Cataclysm   By: chris coker
When glyphs first arrived in World of Warcraft, players had the best of both worlds. They would stock up on “Major” glyphs picked straight from an Elitist Jerks must-have list while enhancing their favorite skills—those they liked to use without care for raid or PvP performance—with “Minor” glyphs.(read entire article)
View : 164 Times
Category : Games

Gift Ideas For The World Of Warcraft Dad   By: chris coker
Forget boring old mugs and t-shirts with “no.1 dad!” hastily scribbled across, todays dad is tech savvy and media hungry, and more than anything, he's a gamer.(read entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : Games

Free To Play, Or Pay To Play, What's The Future?   By: chris coker
Is the big budget, high profile, pay to play MMO dying a long and painful death? There's no getting around the fact that the market and gamers can only support so many pay to play MMO's, and very few gamers have the time or money to play more than one MMO each month.(read entire article)
View : 151 Times
Category : Games

Making The Most Out Of Your Mmo   By: chris coker
If you're trying to find tricks and tips on min / maxing or the fastest way to put an efficient raid party together, you are looking in the wrong place. Here we are going to explore the best ways for an informal player to get the best from nearly any tremendously multi-player web-based game.(read entire article)
View : 126 Times
Category : Games

Interdependence In Lotro: Professions And Vocations   By: chris coker
Being an MMORPG, you’d think that Lord of the Rings Online (LotRO) would have the typical crafting system found in most other MMORPGs: Choose which Profession you’d like to focus on, toss some LotRO gold to an NPC to teach you that Profession, work on increasing your Profession’s level by crafting items using materials, and sell the items for more LotRO gold. When you start playing LotRO, however, you’ll realize that it’s not that straightforward at all.(read entire article)
View : 156 Times
Category : Games

Blizzard's Real Name Forum Policy, Good Or Bad?   By: chris coker
In case you've been living under a rock, or have just been too busy questing, raiding, looting, earning XP and WoW gold, you might have missed the latest little tidbit from the fine folks at Blizzard HQ, a little tidbit that's caused something of a storm in a very large teacup.(read entire article)
View : 180 Times
Category : Games

Should World Of Warcraft Go Free To Play?   By: chris coker
No, I'm not nuts, and I'm certainly not suggesting that Blizzard's seemingly unstoppable massively multiplayer online juggernaut switch from its current lucrative pay to play subscription model, at least not right now.(read entire article)
View : 119 Times
Category : Games

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