Here's the recent articles submitted by timothy spencer
Articles By timothy spencer
Sending Flowers In The Philippines
Submitted as: This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Is
Flowers, no wonder, are one of the best presents suitable for any occasion. At some places, purchasing flowers are somewhat expensive. But in the Philippines, buying and sending flowers is less expensive and hassle free. This article shares how to send a gorgeous bunch of flowers using the internet without spending too much.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Business
Greenhouse Flower Farming In The Philippines
By: timothy spencer
Greenhouse farming in the Philippines is becoming popular among Filipino flower farmers. This technology may cost much than the conventional farming, greenhouse produce more ace-quality flowers than the previous. This article tells about how greenhouse flower farming is more advantageous than the conventional outdoor farming.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Business
The Ideal Office Gift
By: timothy spencer
Most of the times, we lost ideas of what to give to our co-workers whenever there is an occasion. Moreover, we are more constrained with company policies and work ethics when it comes to gift-giving on the office. This article shares some insight on how office gift-giving be a breeze through flowers.(read
entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Family
Scrapbooking Your Memories
By: timothy spencer
Memories are treasures that are irreplaceable. Some of us preserve memories through pictures. But to some, scrapbooks are the best memoirs one can have. This article tells about how scrapbooking can help us preserve great memories with pictures and flowers.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Send Flowers To Yourself
By: timothy spencer
It is important to pamper ourselves with some things that we usually do for others. We should treat ourselves from time to time to avoid feeling stressed out and tired. This article shares some insights how we can comfort ourselves, starting by giving ourselves a bunch of flowers.(read
entire article)
View : 257 Times
Category : Home and Garden
The Perils Of Dating An Artist
By: timothy spencer
Often times, artists are known untraditional; people who do not “go with the flowâ€. They do not usually practice conventional routines others commonly do during occasions, such as Valentine’s Day. This article tells us how being an artist should not hinder you of not making your loved one feel appreciated. This article explains how giving a nice bouquet of flowers doesn’t really break your artist’s perspective on life.(read
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Family
Preparing For Your Prom
By: timothy spencer
To most of the guys, the junior-senior promenade is one of the biggest and grandest dates one could plot. As high school students, we ought to seek guidance from our parents or older siblings or friends. This article guides you how you can plan your perfect prom and enjoy the rest of the night with your date.(read
entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Family
How Can I Make It Up To You?
By: timothy spencer
In a relationship, fights between couples are unavoidable. Whether it is serious or just a petty one, a conflict should be straightened out. Nothing beats the classic make up gift – flowers plus a sincere apology. This article shares an experience how to end a misunderstanding with someone you love using the language of flowers.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Home and Garden
The Changing Market Trends In The Philippine Flower Industry
By: timothy spencer
With Filipinos becoming conscious of the quality of the flowers they buy. They believe that the more expensive they pay, higher the quality of the flowers they get. However, with the growth of greenhouse flower production in the Philippines, this ideology is becoming untrue under some circumstances. This article states the advantages of flower cultivation through greenhouse farming to the Philippine Flower Industry.(read
entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Business
Bring Out Your Scrapbook Scentimentality
By: timothy spencer
Flowers are one of the favorite accessories used in scrapbooking. Pressed flowers bring a different but extraordinary aura to a scrapbook. This article teaches how to have a perfect pressed flower for your scrapbooking masterpiece.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Home and Garden