Here's the recent articles submitted by dee braun
Articles By dee braun
No More Double-takes - Naturally Taking Care Of A Double-chin Takes Years Off Your Appearance
By: dee braun
We all hate that double-chin that creeps up on is in mid-life....but, is there anything (besides surgery) we can do about it? Facial exercises can help that double-chin challenge and should be done once a day. This is a regimen which can be continued for life, or you can scale back to three times a(read
entire article)
View : 103 Times
Category : Beauty
Natural Beauty On A Budget - No-cost And Low-cost Techniques For Beautiful Skin
By: dee braun
In Parts 1 and 2 of Natural Beauty on a Budget we discussed nutrition, attitude and body dry skin brushing and detox baths. In this, the final segment, we discuss simple, inexpensive, safe and effective ways to keep your face looking young and beautiful.(read
entire article)
View : 120 Times
Category : Beauty