Here's the recent articles submitted by carolyn ethington
Articles By carolyn ethington
Fixing Hot Water Spike Problems
By: carolyn ethington
Did you know that 90% of hot water scalding incidents happen at home? The effects of these types of burns are swift and severe and can affect a person's quality of life for years to come. Fortunately, there are some simple plumbing solutions to hot water temperature spikes in the tub or shower: here is an overview.(read
entire article)
View : 308 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Curb Appeal: Adding Windows To Garage Doors
By: carolyn ethington
Did you know that it's easier than you think to transform your existing garage door from bland to beautiful? Most homeowners don't give their garage doors a second thought, but just adding a set of windows can change the whole look of the front of your house. Here's a quick overview.(read
entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Steps To Increase Vehicle Resale Value
By: carolyn ethington
Preowned vehicles are all the rage right now, due in part to the downtown in the economy and the fact that most Americans are living on tighter budgets. If you are getting ready to put your car on the market, there are some active steps you can take that will substantially increase its resale value. Here are some ideas.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Automobiles
Reduce Summer Cooling Bills: 5 Tips
By: carolyn ethington
We are all so happy to see those hot summer temperatures roll around again, aren't we? That is until those cooling bills start rolling in as well! Whether you keep your home comfortable by using a sleek new energy-efficient central air system, old-fashioned evaporative cooler or even with floor fans and window units, there are additional steps you can take to significantly reduce your summer cooling bills now just now: but for every season hereafter! Here are some tips.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Your Child: Straight Talk About Crooked Teeth
By: carolyn ethington
Were your teeth crooked when you were a kid? Chances are at least one of your own children's will be too: it's a trait that is often passed along from generation to generation, like bright blue eyes or freckles! Of course, there are other reasons as well for not having a perfectly aligned smile. Here is a brief bit of straight talk about crooked teeth and your child.(read
entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Health
Plumbing 101: Stopping That Drip, Drip, Drip
By: carolyn ethington
It's the middle of the night and you're lying in bed wide awake -- again. From the bathroom next door you can hear "it:" that subtle yet nagging noise that has been disrupting your rest for the last two weeks. Even if you possess only the most rudimentary of plumbing skills, there are steps you can take to stop chronic drips and take your nights back! Here are some tips.(read
entire article)
View : 187 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Summertime Tips For Garage Door Safety
By: carolyn ethington
It's summer and the kids are home from school! Chances are your little ones (along with half the neighborhood!) are running in and out of the garage all day long getting their bikes out, putting their bikes back in, grabbing basketballs to play with or just coming and going as kids are wont to do when the weather is fine. Now is the perfect time to sit your kids down and reemphasize the importance of being safe around garage doors. Here are some summertime tips for garage door safety that are important to remember both for kids and adults too.(read
entire article)
View : 205 Times
Category : Home and Garden
Bump It Up: Why Bumpers Matter
By: carolyn ethington
Remember riding bumper cars when you were a kid? Actually, many fun-loving adults still make a beeline for the bumpers when they go to an amusement park! Well, they're called bumper cars for a reason: can you imagine what the ride would feel like without the protection of those shock-absorbing features? Ouch!(read
entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Automobiles
Taming The Sweet Tooth: Helping Your Child
By: carolyn ethington
Is there really such a thing as a Sweet Tooth? The short answer is no… and yes! Of course, there is no single tooth in your mouth that makes you want to eat that candy bar, so the term cannot be taken literally. However, when someone is said to have a sweet tooth it means that he or she craves sweets! Those with a sweet tooth are at greater risk for obesity, not to mention cavities and gum disease. Here are a few tips that will help you help your child tame that sweet tooth once and for all.(read
entire article)
View : 191 Times
Category : Health
Buying Central Air Conditioning: 5 Steps
By: carolyn ethington
Summer is upon us once again and sizzling temperatures have replaced the snows of winter and the rains of spring. If you are still struggling to keep your family cool with antiquated window units or floor flans, maybe this is your summer for finally making the switch to central air conditioning.(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Home and Garden