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Articles By liu han

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For Business Technology    Submitted as: yvonne
Major paradigm shifts aren't limited to the desktop. Increasingly powerful mobile platforms are redefining what gets done on portable devices and how companies should be considering their implementation.(read entire article)
View : 373 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Investing In People Pays Off In Long Term    Submitted as: yvonne
The consequences of losing these employees — which include having to rehire and retrain new ones — is unnecessarily expensive, Pirie explained. That's because research is forecasting a 4 percent gap in IT skills until 2012, which means there will be a need for 7 million IT jobs a year.(read entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Getting Your Career On Target With The New Generation Of Microsoft Certifications    Submitted as: yvonne
The new certifications from the entry-level MCTS to the professional MCITP certification target specific job roles rather than try to provide more general coverage. This allows candidates to focus on the skills and technologies as well as the particular job role that they want to work in.(read entire article)
View : 360 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Upgrade Your Mcse Skills    Submitted as: yvonne
The MCITP requires renewal and re-certification every three years. This process usually involves passing a single exam which is most likely going to be the latest related MCTS exam.(read entire article)
View : 470 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Tech On Top In Down Job Market    Submitted as: yvonne
Another reason for the demand is that there simply are fewer candidates to fill the open positions. Hart said enrollment in IT programs at colleges and universities has been on the decline for years.(read entire article)
View : 359 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Windows 7,configuration Details    Submitted as: yvonne
So download 70-680 exam materials today and be ready to pass your test as soon as tomorrow! The power of testing and maintaining your(windows 7 certification)marketability as an IT professional – are in your own hands. The 70-680 test consists of Multiple Choice(read entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

It Talent Needed For U.s. To Remain Globally Competitive    Submitted as: yvonne
we're front loading their pay. If, when they graduate, the market hasn't expanded the way we hope it will, they haven't been misled because we've given them a good payment for this period of study.(read entire article)
View : 377 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Microsoft To Release New Certification    Submitted as: yvonne
We've been prodded by our internal partners, product groups and service organizations to come up with something. We've been doing quite a bit of research and investigation on this in the past several months.(read entire article)
View : 366 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Microsoft Eschews Patch, Gives Exploit Code For Iis 5.0 Bug    Submitted as: yvonne
According to Microsoft, which has written up the issue in its Knowledge Base article 328832, hit-highlighting with Webhits.dll only relies on the Microsoft Windows NT ACL (Access Control List) configuration on 5.x versions.(read entire article)
View : 435 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

Ccna Certification: When To Study, What To Read    Submitted as: yvonne
I installed the simulator onto my laptop. I then went through all of the exercises again and again until I only needed to look at the scenario requirements and I was able to configure the equipment without any aids and in a pretty short time!(read entire article)
View : 444 Times
Category : System/Network Administration

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