Here's the recent articles submitted by abhinav bharadwaj
Articles By abhinav bharadwaj
Relation Between Big Data Analytics, Internet Of Things Iot & Data Sciences
Submitted as: Abhinav T
The Internet of Things and Big data share a closely connected future. There is no doubt the two fields will create new opportunities and solutions that will have a long and lasting impact.(read
entire article)
View : 614 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Is Big Data And Data Analytics Relevant For Social Media?
Submitted as: Abhinav T
hen we think of Big Data in relation to social media, we must first realize that they are not separate from one and the same. Social media is no longer merely an option for businesses but a requisite component of success. So any analysis of social media marketing data, to be effective, must be viewed in the larger context of all of a business's market penetration, brand engagement, and other return on investment metrics.(read
entire article)
View : 434 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Why Data Visualization With Tableau ?
Submitted as: Abhinav T
Tableau is one of the fastest evolving Business Intelligence and data visualization tool which allows you to create visualisations of trends in your data and takes advantage of your natural ability to process data visually, allowing easy identification of trends and outliers.It is very quick to deploy, easy to learn and very spontaneous to use for a customer. It provides functions such as forecasting, trend lines, filtering. It has evolved into one of the fastest and easiest way to share analytics in the cloud.(read
entire article)
View : 693 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
How Predictive Analytics Helps You In Efficient Decision Making
Submitted as: Abhinav T
Predictive Analytics is a method through which we can extract information from existing data sets to predict future outcomes and trends and also determine patterns. It does not tell us what will happen in future. It forecasts what might happen in future with acceptable level of reliability.It also includes what if-then-else scenarios and risk assessment(read
entire article)
View : 535 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science