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Know More About Genetic Diseases Disorders‎    Submitted as: Mahajan
Mainly a genetic disorder is caused by poor breading practices or inbreeding reaching back several generations. It's generally found in purebreds but not exclusively. Abnormalities in the genetic make-up (the gnome) play a significant role in causing the condition. Causes of genetic diseases pattern can say about so several characteristics of a human being plus the physical characteristics like eyes, color of the skin, hair, etc. DNA is present in every cell of a body like muscle cells, blood cells, brain cells, sperm cells, and others such as sweat, urine, skin etc. DNA is composed of a number of building blocks named under A, T, G and C and these blocks altered arrangements differentiate one DNA pattern from the another one. Happening of any genetic disorder diseases may have a number of reasons like environmental effects, lack of proper diet, running under continuous stress or due to any genetic disorder. With today's more advanced DNA technology, the genetic disorder facts related to the genetic pattern can be detected. Genetic disorder can result to so many critical diseases like: (1) Hypothyroidism, which can affect development and cognitive development with mental retardation, stunted progress, delayed puberty and ataxia. (2) Colon cancer (3) Breast cancer, which is considered as the most common cancer in woman. If a genetic disease disorder history of breast cancer is present with the first-degree relative like mother, sister or daughter than it has 15 % more chances of occurrence. According to certain statistics there is a case in every 20 woman in India. Which unfortunately challenge even their female identity, so its impact will be on both physical and mental health? (4) Alzheimer's disease (5) Sickle cell disease, which affects the red blood cells and that results wrong transportation of oxygen from lungs to other parts of the body. So a series of crises starts and likely to reduce the life span by about 30 years. (6) Galactosemia, a rare disorder that can affect the capability of break down a food sugar called galaxies. Apart from detection of inherited diseases it also helps in diagnosis. Genetic disorders occur as a result of abnormalities or variations in the information encoded by the genes and chromosomes. As per the available information on genetic disorders, these disorders can be broadly classified into four different categories, which are as follows: 1. Single-gene Disorders: Similarly known as Medellin or monogenic disorders, these occur when the changes or mutations occur in only a single genetic disorder. Some well-known examples of single-genetic disorder include cystic fibrosis, Marfa syndrome, sickle cell anemia, Huntington's disease and hereditary hemochromatosis. Single genetic disorder can be further classified into autosomal dominant and Y-linked disorders. 2. Multifactorial Genetic Disorders: Also known as polygenic, these type disorders occur as a result of mutations in multiple genetic Disorders. These disorders are actually multipart, difficult to analyze and hard to treat. Some examples of multifactorial disorders include autism, mental retardation, coronary heart diseases, cleft palate, cancer and diabetes. 3. Genetic Chromosomal Disorders: These diseases occur as a result of abnormalities in the chromosomal structure such as missing or presence of extra copies of chromosomes. The maximum well-known chromosomal disorder is the Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 where a person has three copies of chromosome 21. Other samples include Cri-du-Chat syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome Turner Syndrome and Williams' syndrome. 4. Mitochondrial Disorders: These disorders occur when there are mutations in the mitochondrial DNA or the non-chromosomal DNA of the cell. These disorders are maternal in origin as only egg cells contribute mitochondria in a developing embryo. One very good example of a mitochondrial disorder is the Liber's Hereditary Optic neuropathy.(read entire article)
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