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Articles By cyber link

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Virtual Desktop Cloud Service    Submitted as: CyberLinkASP
CyberlinksAsps manages your hardware and infrastructure so you never have to worry about setting up or maintaining your servers. Instead of dealing with each component on an ad hoc basis, we see the big picture—windows virtual desktop hosting that web of physical assets and complex interrelationships that make up the modern information system.(read entire article)
View : 580 Times
Category : Hardware/Software

Virtual Storage Has Real Benefits For Small Businesses    Submitted as: Lewis Talbert
Virtual storage is the pooling of physical storage from multiple network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is managed from a central console. Virtualization was initially developed for large companies to make their infrastructure, particularly servers and storage, operate more efficiently and to cut spending costs on new hardware. Like many technologies, server and storage virtualization products are now being developed for small businesses to bring the same benefits to their networks.(read entire article)
View : 575 Times
Category : Web Hosting

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