Here's the recent articles submitted by likitha sriram
Articles By likitha sriram
Hiring Trends In Healthcare - 2010
Submitted as: Likithasriram
Over last 12 months hiring in various industries slowed down significantly except healthcare. In spite of the downturns in the over all employment there is no impact of it on to the healthcare industry. So there is a great growth and the healthcare career.(read
entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Career
Quality Assurance In Pharmaceutical Industry
Submitted as: Likithasriram
Destine of a drug molecule depends on the quality of the research data depicted and manufacturing procedures under taken. Quality is a necessary department for pharmaceutical products to meet customer prospect and gratification.
Pharmaceutical quality assurance is a dynamic process, a state of mind or an understanding of the regulations and guidance relating to the development and manufacture of pharmaceutical products.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Health
Pharma Medical Representative Jobs - Career And Overview
Submitted as: Likithasriram
Pharmaceutical sector in India is growing at a very fast pace and this has made the Indian pharmaceutical industry the 2nd largest growing among Indian industries and 3rd biggest globally.(read
entire article)
View : 233 Times
Category : Animal and Pet
Time Management For A Better Job
Submitted as: Likithasriram
People say time is money, Do you disagree with them? Time is more precious than money. This is because time is an non renewable commodity. This becomes all the more important to know about time management and correcting certain behaviors which would help us save time. This is exactly what this article will tell us.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Career
Nursing Job - The Noble Profession
Submitted as: Ranjan Abraham
The noble profession of Nursing has changed lives of many Indian nurses who work abroad, they have dedicated themselves to this profession, leaving their families and loved ones, working in foreign countries.(read
entire article)
View : 293 Times
Category : Career
Doctors Education And Career Information
Submitted as: Ranjan Abraham
The Doctor profession is a highly respectable and worthy position. It is said that doctor is next to god, because he is the one who can put a diseased man to live. It is a honor to be a doctor and serve the needy.(read
entire article)
View : 204 Times
Category : Career
Opportunity Raise For Doctor Jobs In India
Submitted as: Likithasriram
This is the article about doctor's life i.e. how they struggle to become a successful doctor. It explains the changes in treating patients by old doctors and new doctors and new technologies that entered the medical world.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Health