Here's the recent articles submitted by azwork comp
Articles By azwork comp
Applying For Ssdi Benefits?
Submitted as: azworkcomp
When applying for SSDI or Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, many people think it will take years to get the benefits they need or that it is impossible to get approved at all.(read
entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Legal
Which Injuries Are Considered On-the-job Injuries?
Submitted as: azworkcomp
While cases of a worker impaled by sharp metal or an office worker suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome from continuous typing clearly fit the term ‘on-the-job injury' in our heads, not all workplace injuries occur at the actual workplace.(read
entire article)
View : 323 Times
Category : Legal
Work Comp: My Employer Says The Injury Was My Fault
Submitted as: azworkcomp
Whenever there is a workplace injury, someone is at fault. A co-worker may have spilled water on the floor, didn't clean it up and you slipped and fell on it. Or someone did not properly place an object which fell on you.(read
entire article)
View : 357 Times
Category : Legal
7 Most Important Things You Need To Do If You Suffer An Injury At Work
Submitted as: azworkcomp
Suffering an injury at work can be both painful and alarming. Many people may not be sure of what needs to be done in such a situation.(read
entire article)
View : 437 Times
Category : Legal