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Articles By symhealth symhealth
Symhealth 2017
Submitted as: SYMHEALTH
Healthcare Conferences SYMHEALTH 2017 International health Conference on Healthcare in a Globalizing World(read
entire article)
View : 366 Times
Category : Education
Health Care Across The World - Addressing Key Issues
Submitted as: SYMHEALTH
Just like health problems,healthcare conferences provisions also vary from region to region. The developed nations offer universal health care to their citizens, but the developing ones offer sponsored health care while the under-developed ones have no such provisions. Providing the right kind of health provisions is a highly challenging task even for the wealthiest ones , there are a number of factors like the economic, political, and cultural conditions. There is no single provision for health care provisions as issues and other problems keep emerging like mushrooms in rain from every other part.(read
entire article)
View : 352 Times
Category : Education
How To Overcome Communication Barriers In Healthcare?
Submitted as: Healthcare Conference
Communication barriers in healthcare is one of the most hardcore issues that is currently being faced in lot many nations all over the world. For example, there was a rural women from interior ends of state Tamil Nadu, she brought her two year old son for treatment in a Delhi based hospital. She was speaking with a specialist who had no knowledge about Tamil language. There was nobody around to translate and thus, a lot of precious time was lost which could have been used for starting the treatment. Previously, such cases were prevalent in
Western nations on a higher frequency. Why were these less in India? Two reasons, one, people always found solution to their healthcare conferences problems on a local level or in the closest A level city close to them that has same culture and language. But, now as the diversity is increasing and people are moving more frequently in search of jobs and other crucial things, communication barrier has emerged as a major challenge in healthcare sector. Farther, the people go higher is the problem many a times. More than India, it is a regular problem in United States and Europe which have almost same kind of diversity as we have.(read
entire article)
View : 355 Times
Category : Education
Understanding The Difference Between American And British Spelling
Submitted as: English speaking courses
It is not very tough to learn english language given the fact that it has penetrated all cultures and civilizations to an extent that even the most illiterate and cocooned person ends up including it in their daily language. If you haven't had any exposure to it on academic level, your profession or business will definitely demand you to take english course in order to stay abreast with the trends and manners of the world. The major hoopla for english started post the renaissance period in Europe when a few nations of this continent entered the race to colonize rest of the world and impart their culture and effect on them on root level. And one nation that led all others in this race was Britain, While many civilizations kept close to their basics and adhered to their originality, there was a large part of them that succumbed to the charms of English. It is the deep rooted influence of British language that is now the basic reason that mandated learning of english language a compulsion for all. And it is not restricted to just speaking, it is a vital part of all written communications, agreements, contracts, and all other legal documents and laws which means apart from taking english speaking classes you also need to learn english grammar, punctuation, metaphors, and all other such things.(read
entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Education
Learning How To Avoid Usage Of Crutch Words In Your Speech
Submitted as: English speaking courses
As they say, ‘english is a funny language but more than that is a sponge capable of absorbing a lot all other languages. However, there is a completely and rather polluted version of this language that is changing its complete nature and appeal courtesy the mobile phone chatting and social media where everyone is sharing and speaking their own version of english mocking its very originality and beauty. This has also given raise to usage of crutch words that are capable of crippling a perfectly well-meaning sentence and lead to bad impression. Crutch words here refer to “umm, aaa, aaaw, you know, like,” and others that just make their way into speech without any requirement and significance.(read
entire article)
View : 356 Times
Category : Education
Healthcare In A Globalised World
Submitted as: Symhealth 2017
Globalisation has brought the countries, cultures and people closer than ever before. It has enabled the continuous of ideas and information among people worldwide. Healthcare Industry has also been working tirelessly to stay abreast with evolving technologies and trends. Keeping in sync with the fast transforming globalised economic and healthcare trends, Faculty of Health & Biomedical Sciences (part of Symbiosis International University, Pune) is organizing an International Health Conference called SYMHEALTH2017 between 4th to 6th May'2017 for the healthcare professionals, academicians and students. This global health conference will help one and all in acquiring better knowledge about the constantly evolving field of Healthcare and provide insights on how healthcare industry has been collaborating with other disciplines to provide more accessible and effective healthcare. This global health conference will involve sessions and discussions on contribution of variety of topics like Management, International Relations, Information Technology Law, and Communication etc.(read
entire article)
View : 476 Times
Category : Fitness