Here's the recent articles submitted by kisar dhillon
Articles By kisar dhillon
Which Exercises Are Perfect If You Are Above 60?
Submitted as: kisardhillon
If your age is or above 60, never be under the impression that you can no longer do exercises to get a fit body. There are plenty of exercises that you can do daily to get a fit body even at your old age.(read
entire article)
View : 424 Times
Category : Fitness
Exercises That Work On Your Flabby Thighs
Submitted as: kisardhillon
Focusing only on losing fat will not be enough for your flabby legs. For getting rid of the flabbiness of the thighs you will need to do certain exercises that are specially meant for the flabby thighs. You should also concentrate on doing exercises that will help you to increase your stamina.(read
entire article)
View : 285 Times
Category : Fitness
How Should Be An Ideal Weight Lifting Program For Beginners?
Submitted as: kisardhillon
Strength training is regular for those who are doing it over the years. Even you are a beginner, don't be scared of it. It is like pushing yourself harder to come out of your comfort zone. And next one is doing continuous loading activity in strength training.(read
entire article)
View : 467 Times
Category : Fitness
Know The Trending Workout Rules Of Gym
Submitted as: kisardhillon
The workout is must, but it is not enough. There are many minute things you need to know before workout regime. From right food for gym training to the rules of workout you should be clear. If you are a fresh face here, it is quite challenging to follow the rules. A few things are there to note it in your daily workout schedule.(read
entire article)
View : 315 Times
Category : Fitness
Exercises To Get Rid Of Knee Pain
Submitted as: kisardhillon
Knee pain is a common issue for some people. Some cases it may occur genetically. Other causes are injury, arthritis, or any infection. If you observe the primary reason that is our bad eating habit and a lazy lifestyle. We stick to sitting in one place instead of moving or walking.(read
entire article)
View : 314 Times
Category : Fitness
Four Exercises To Get Flat Belly In Few Months
Submitted as: kisardhillon
Are you finding it odd to have a flat belly? Then gear up to do something dangerous to discover yourself as a healthier and fitter person. Belly fat is weird. Also, it includes some problems like diabetes, heart-related issues and many more.(read
entire article)
View : 460 Times
Category : Fitness
How To Slim Down Your Thighs With Easy Exercises?
Submitted as: kisardhillon
To get the thighs of good shape and toned, stabilize your body, and help you become flexible in the sports activity. Hence strengthen your legs to trim them in a slim way.(read
entire article)
View : 335 Times
Category : Fitness
Benefits Of Bench Press
Submitted as: kisardhillon
The bench press is easy to go for an individual. It is lying on the bench. It is beneficial for powerlifters. It is the activity of pressing individual weights with the help of the arms and pumping up the chest. Mainly barbell is the most preferred option to hold the weight with stability.(read
entire article)
View : 348 Times
Category : Fitness
How Can Regular Running On Treadmill Help?
Submitted as: kisardhillon
We all should stick to some aerobic exercise procedures sometimes each day. It is the thing to have a concern about what we need to do.(read
entire article)
View : 361 Times
Category : Fitness
Can Exercise Make You Taller?
Submitted as: kisardhillon
Some people are worried about their height, and some people want to increase their height. There are millions of people who are asking the same question for a long time. Some claim it is possible to increase the height with proper nutrition and exclusive workouts schedule.(read
entire article)
View : 408 Times
Category : Fitness