Here's the recent articles submitted by abhishek singh
Articles By abhishek singh
Public Relations And Its Challenges
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
A public relation is an integral tool for organizational effectiveness. An organization has no credibility or awareness unless its actions and contributions are communicated to the audience. A PR agency bridges this gap and enhances a brand's recognition relevant to the public eye.(read
entire article)
View : 161 Times
Category : Business
A Brief Understanding Of Seo And Its Significance
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
If you use are used to browsing the internet, or use Google to search things a lot, chances are high that you might have heard of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Having a good understanding of this concept and using it in your business effectively can not only increase the traffic of your website but can also lead to an increase in sales or a better reputation. But what is it, and why is it so relevant in the field of marketing today?(read
entire article)
View : 185 Times
Category : Business
The Thin Line Between Advertising And Pr
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
The Thin Line between Advertising And PR
People often get confused between advertising and public relation. Some people think that both are the same or less the same thing. In simplest words one can understand is that advertising is something where one says he/she is the best while PR is making others say that you are the best.(read
entire article)
View : 165 Times
Category : Business
5 Ways In Which Marketing Has Changed In The Pandemic Times
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Ever since the pandemic struck last year, things have changed a lot. We have been doing most of our work while sitting at home and online shopping has shot up drastically. Many things have changed for us and we have somehow, over time managed to adapt to this new normal. The pandemic has impacted all aspects of our lives, undoubtedly. One such important aspect, in the world, is Marketing. Let's try to look at how marketing has changed in pandemic times.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Business
Public Relation, A Powerful Tool To Brand Building
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Public Relation, A powerful Tool To Brand Building
Public relations must have caught the audience's eye recently but the phenomenon goes way back in time. It has been there for a century for brand building but took a flight in the most recent years. The increasing competition in the market has made it an integral tool to take a brand to the next level. It has facilitated communication to the right audience that helps a brand create awareness in the eyes of important forces of the marketplace.(read
entire article)
View : 164 Times
Category : Business
Impact Of Digital Media And Social Media On Public Relations
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Impact Of Digital Media And Social Media On Public Relations
Today we don't see a Public Relations firm like those old firm where media relations and churning out press releases and calling journalists, it was like Pros would follow a pattern of working as they would ask for press coverage irrespective of the news value in the materials and continuously call a journalist to follow up. But now everything has changed massively in the PR sector.
Today everything is digitalized, and people are using the internet and social media like wildfire. Digital PR is all about combining traditional PR with content marketing, social media, and digital marketing.(read
entire article)
View : 159 Times
Category : Business
The Different Tools Of Pr And Their Significance
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
In simple words, Public Relations can be defined as the communication process of maintaining the public image and reputation of an individual or an organization, using selected communication tools. The importance of PR has grown over the years, as organizations have realized over time that PR not only helps to build and maintain a good reputation, but also can help to increase financial profits, boost employee morale, and also create a better relationship with the customers and any possible stakeholders. PR tends to use a number of communication tools to perform its function effectively.(read
entire article)
View : 167 Times
Category : Business
How To Write An Effective Press Release Headline That Grips
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
How To Write An Effective Press Release Headline That Grips
Considering the famous headline ‘Do not judge a book by its cover'. Like every other stereotype, this statement also has an amount of hidden truth behind it. People do tend to judge a book by its cover. The title or topic of a press release is the first thing that helps one decide if they will go further with the content. A headline is an insight into what's coming up next. Just like the objective of your resume is an 11-second insight via which an interviewer decides whether to go ahead with your candidature or not.(read
entire article)
View : 170 Times
Category : Business
4 Reasons Why Media Relations Are Important In Public Relations
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Public Relation is one of the fields in marketing that has grown a lot over the last few years. Especially with the lockdown, brands have been investing more and more time and efforts into this field. The benefits of PR are undeniable. When used effectively and timely, PR can benefit the brands in many ways.(read
entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : Business
Apply These Six Secret Techniques To Improve Public Relations
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Public Relations is a marketing strategy where a business organisation builds and maintains a healthy and mutual relationship with the public. Organisations hire Professional Public Relations Officers with professional experience and knowledge in their field.(read
entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Business
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