Here's the recent articles submitted by abhishek singh
Articles By abhishek singh
Are You Ready For Traveling To Space?
Submitted as: Twenty7 Inc
Can you think about it right now?
I clearly remember the conversation between Elon Musk and Jack ma on a platform where Jack Ma the founder of Alibaba, and Elon Musk founder of Tesla, were talking about the future of technology and humanity. A discussion that took place between the two brightest minds shared some light on the future then.(read
entire article)
View : 624 Times
Category : Business
11 Mistakes Businesses Often Make While Pitching On The News Media
Submitted as: Twenty7 Inc
Synopsis: Most of the businesses use media for information sharing, promotion, branding and others but many of these don't get the expected results. The reason is- ‘committing some simple to do mistakes unknowingly'. Are you also doing the same?
11 Mistakes Businesses Often Make While Pitching On the News Media
The media is the most trustworthy publicity channel for businesses to share the message and to address the target audience.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Business
Is It Difficult To Measure The Impact Of Public Relations?
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
The myth about the PR impact is going burst.
Public relations is a relatively young marketing exercise. Although history is Public relations is quite old but in Indian scenario it new. Public relations in India came in the early 19th century. Before that, the practice was there but in a different form.
The entire pubic relations campaign depends on the mediums. As a medium of communication started growing the public relations activity grew accordingly. The best example of public relations we can find is the Indian freedom movement. Instead of having the minimum way to communicate with the public, our freedom fighters used it quite effectively.(read
entire article)
View : 169 Times
Category : Business
The Train Is About To Leave The Station. Public Relations
Submitted as: Twenty7 Inc
Public Relations can help you catch up!
How many times we think before starting, and how much time do we just waste in thinking? As an entrepreneur, every individual should realize that time is limited and so does opportunities. People who strike first will reap the benefit first and that's about it.
Then why should you choose public relations?
I mean, really then what else are you planning to do. Let me ask you something, how many times do you wait for the advertisement to come on your screen? Nobody likes to see an advertisement coming in between your favorite shows.(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Business
Public Relations Is A Form Of Advertisement!
Submitted as: Twenty7 Inc
The Sky Is Green
Public relation is a form of Advertisement!
Dog eats grass
Now, that I have your attention, let me tell you, all the statement above is incorrect. But what made you think the most? The first one, the second one, or the third one!
I am sure, first and third one. But many people believe that Public Relations is a form of Advertisement. NO, IT IS NOT. Public relations activity is nowhere related to advertising. It is a part of communication with earned media.(read
entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Business
What Should A Company Do To Revive The Economic Slowdown?
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Nobody is happy at this time. Things are either moving bad or worst. There is very much negativity out there. Nobody knows how things will turn up Etc. This is what is happening all around us due to the lockdown. It seems like nothing is moving and people are stuck. When people are stuck it certainly means that businesses will also take a hit. Let's be clear.(read
entire article)
View : 188 Times
Category : Business
Some Pr And Communication Lessons That The Pandemic Has Taught
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
It's been more than a year, ever since the pandemic struck worldwide and disrupted our lives. Over this course of time, all of us have somehow managed to change with time and adapt to these sudden and abrupt changes. Brands and communication professionals too, when first struck with the first wave of the pandemic had struggled to adapt, but sometimes did so and have along the way, learned some valuable lessons that have stayed with them. And with the second wave hitting us, here are some lessons in PR and communications that the pandemic has so far taught us.(read
entire article)
View : 174 Times
Category : Business
The Relevance Of Influencer Marketing In The Digital Era
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
With the rapid growth of the internet and the ever-rising increase in the number of social media users, one of the things that have changed is the meaning of the term ‘influencer'. No longer are influencers limited to celebrities and just a few bloggers. Now influencers are also people on social media, who have a high follower count and have established their name as a content creator, within this set of followers. Being the best PR agency in Delhi, we also observed an often higher engagement rate, when it comes to social media influencers.(read
entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Business
Why Marketing At This Time Is Becoming More Crucial Then Never Before?
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
The entire world is going through a major economic slow down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. India is also going through the same. The economic depression has started showing some effects already. More and more people are already losing their jobs. People are from every industry are suffering from this great depression. Meanwhile, in this unavoidable circumstance, as a brand one has to understand and plan. Many brands do not understand the importance of marketing. They often confuse marketing with sales. Marketing is not sales. Both are different from each other.(read
entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Business
How Digital Marketing Approach Will Change In The Future?
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
How digital marketing approach will change in the future?
Novel COVID-19 has shifted everything upside down around the world. The world is standing together and trying to fight this situation. To protect itself and avoid the worst scenario, the Indian government has locked down the entire country to contain the spread of a virus. Since it has become mandatory for everyone to keep themselves locked inside their houses, the digital marketing strategies for the brands have also changed.(read
entire article)
View : 165 Times
Category : Business