Here's the recent articles submitted by abhishek singh
Articles By abhishek singh
Only Two Steps To Make Your Brand Visible Organically
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Hiring a PR agency can be one of the ways.
Who does not want to get covered by the media? Who does not want that people should get to know about them? Everyone loves media attention. But attracting attention from the media can be a task for many people.
Either for personal/Individual branding or corporate branding, for both, media coverages are useful.(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Service
The Evolution Of Pr Communication In The Era Of The Internet
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Ways of communication always been evolving
I am 32 yrs old. I am a 90s kid and I feel I am living in an era of change. My first memory of television was a box with back and white picture quality.(read
entire article)
View : 223 Times
Category : Business
Why & How Covid-19 Makes A Pr Company More Important For The Businesses
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
The year 2021 is coming with a lot of expectations. The businesses are also geared up to welcome 2021 with new strategies and approaches formulated during months based on the experiences and findings during a yearlong Covid-19 crisis. Addressing the changed perspectives, requirements, preferences, and buying behaviors of customers in the most influential way is the biggest task for businesses. Here comes the role of a PR company that bridges the message communication gap between the brands and buyers.(read
entire article)
View : 241 Times
Category : General
Are You Planning A Pr Strategy For 2021? Know These Seven Essential Elements
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
The strategic public relationship plays a very crucial role in impressive communication with the target audience to improve business repute and awareness. Many businesses mix PR with marketing and advertising but PR is very different from both. The advertising is primarily based on promoting a particular product through paid media channels; the content is created to promote the sale of a particular product/service. While marketing is primarily focused on introducing and promoting the products and services in the market, public relations management is focused on promoting the awareness and brand image in the target segment of stakeholders. So, what should be your public relations strategy for 2021?(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Business
Pitching An Impressive Content In 2021: What Will Promote Your Business
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Earning impressive and goal-oriented media coverage is no more an easy task especially during pandemic hit 2021. Striking even a minor wrong tone can deliver multidimensional undesired impacts to leave you with a weakened brand image. Media pitching is an integral part of any PR strategy to keep the brand in the marketplace noticed. The Covid-19 pandemic has created a number of new concerns that need to be addressed in the content created either for digital or for print channels. What do you need to make your pitch connected, engaging, influencing, convincing, and encouraging?(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Business
Is The Post-pandemic Era Is Going To Be Different For Marketing And Pr Agencies?
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
We all are happy to learn about the news of the Covid vaccine. India has almost vaccinated more than 6 lac, health workers, already and the no of cases coming daily are also low. The recovery rate in India is also quite high and touching almost 97 percent. So how these things are going to affect the businesses and what can we expect?(read
entire article)
View : 290 Times
Category : Service
Creatively Shaping The Pr Industry
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
The PR industry has been part of dynamic evolution over time. There was a time when PR agency used to just disseminate news reporting. This was all that PR would do. But now with the robust market expansion, the best PR agency strives to accomplish a wide array of functionality.
Today, public relation is an instrumental tool driving the brand's reputation. From posting tweets, creating hashtags, to booking television, directing vlogs – in short, PR has shouldered the responsibility of the entire branding of the client or organization.(read
entire article)
View : 271 Times
Category : Marketing
How An Awareness Program Can Help Influence Brand Positioning
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Awareness programs can be one of the keys objectives.
In today's blog, I will try to give you only one example to put forward my point. So without wasting any moment, let's go.
Imagine you are trying to launch a brand that is related to the healthcare segment. Okay, wait, let's go back to the basics first.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Business
Branding – An Ode To Economy
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
The internet boom came as a blessing driving the wheel of innovation and evolution. It can also be accounted for the overtly use of the word ‘branding' in the present age. But the irony lies in the fact that the highly exploited word contributes to the economy of the business immensely. If handled strategically with the perception it can add to the life of the company and otherwise it can cost the entire fortune.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : General
Three Ways Pr Helps You In Lead Generation:
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
A public relation is a tool that people use to create brand awareness. Many people feel that it is not a wise idea for anyone to expect new leads. But I disagree with the same concept. Here, I am writing down three ways to create a campaign that will eventually support you in lead generation.(read
entire article)
View : 462 Times
Category : General