Here's the recent articles submitted by abhishek singh
Articles By abhishek singh
Tips To Make The Authored Articles Impressive
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur-Twenty7Inc
In contemporary times, it is not a difficult task to write. People hailing from different experiences can write content. But before writing it is crucial to understand that not all content is the same. Among the various kinds of writing, the authored article is considered to be the most authentic form of writing.
Writing an authored article is not a cakewalk. Some may consider it to be as easy as any blog post. But delving deeper into the process, it comes to light that the authored article has many layers to it. Writing an impactful authored article requires time and work. This showcases the writer's expertise in a particular topic and establishes them as the thought leader or industry leader.
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Marketing
5 Premium Services A Pr Agency Offers!
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
PR agencies are offering some innovative solutions.
A public relations agency offers many services related to communication. Establishing the right communication is not an easy task. It requires clarity about goals and objectives. It requires clarity about the vision and mission of the company. It requires many such things, that can create the entire brand. Nowadays PR agencies are offering many innovative services that can become helpful for your brand.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Marketing
How To Establish A Media Relation
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Media relation is an integral part of the PR agency
Media relations helps in creating a brand image, brand recognition, it grows the reputation of the brand and legitimacy, maintain good relations with media also helps during disaster management.
It means developing and sustaining a respectful and mutually beneficial working relationship with the news gatekeepers and gathers.
Media works as a reliable source to distribute accurate information to its audience. So, maintaining a healthy relationship with the media also help the brand to distribute the information to its publics which is reliable by the public.(read
entire article)
View : 251 Times
Category : Marketing
4 Ways To Improve Pr Campaigns For Education Startups
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
During COVID-19, numerous organizations were crushed. Yet, in the education startup and medical field, business never eased back down, and indeed, media hopped on education-related stories relentless. Numerous associations and fundings were announced during this period. Many startups from this segment are still striving for funding as a cash inflow in the market seems a positive spike.
A learned PR firm can enable you to recognize what substance showcasing methodologies will turn out best for your firm, however here are four PR campaign tips you can attempt to improve your image's strategy.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Marketing
Why Should You Trust Your Pr Agency?
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Look one thing we all should agree that an expert in the field is always going to be more aware of the subject than the other person. The point to be noted; it does not mean that whatever they say is always right. One of my PR coaches told me once, hiring a PR agency should be like a marriage. Like no marriage is completely cured of disputes, in the same way, no PR agency and brand engagement are perfect and without disputes. But the discussion and disputes in thought should bring best from both sides and, should happen under professional obligations.(read
entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Marketing
How Clear Road Map Lead You To A Successful Pr Campaign?
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
PR goals should be clear.
Vision and clarity are the two aspects of successful brand positioning. A well-constructed roadmap lets you achieve a successful PR campaign. First, understand the meaning of the roadmap. What is a roadmap? A road map means a set of instructions about how to do something. I would add something here to a set of “clear” instructions. Clear instructions in any planning play an important role. But same time, please don't get confused by the clarity. Clarity never means that you are not going to change. Or something that cant be changed. I would say that changing according to the needs should be the minimum requirement of clarity.(read
entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Marketing
Many People Have Heard About The Pr Agency But They Are Not Completely Aware Of The Functionality Of
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
Many people have heard about the PR agency but they are not completely aware of the functionality of PR. Without knowing about the functionality of PR, it becomes confusing to move forward. There are a lot of myths that are there in the market. Due to the myth that is present in the market, people expect some things that are not possible. Over expectations are two ways sword, it not only breaks the trust but it also hampers the image of PR agencies. Hence, it's important to clarify a few things before we begin padding up for the activity. I am mentioning ten generic questions for the same.(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Marketing
Traditional Pr Activity Versus Modern Pr Activity In 2020
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
People are spending more time on the internet in 2020.
According to reliable data, people are spending more than 3 hrs daily on the internet in 2020. So, what do you think about this? It means that more than anything, people are getting information from the internet. According to a recent study, the medium from which people used to gather information has changed as well.(read
entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Marketing
Moment Connects The Market
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
• Twenty7 Inc.
• December 2, 2020
• Case Study
By: Nilay Ankur
Have you ever been at awe, mesmerising about the Amul Butter advertisements? Many who think that moment marketing is a phenomenon of the recent digital era, can go down the memory lane and revisit the illustrations that came on the butter packs, taking about the trending topics of the time. It clearly can offer an intensive case study for the current brands indulging in moment marketing.(read
entire article)
View : 396 Times
Category : Business
Five Reasons You Should Hire A Pr Agency In Delhi For A Sustainable Pr Campaign:
Submitted as: Nilay Ankur
PR agency helps in building a strategy around the brand.
Can a car run on a single wheel? Is it even possible? Is this sounding absurd to you? Look, most of them think that PR is about just a press release. They will get one press release covered and, then everything is sorted. No, it's an entirely wrong concept.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Marketing