Here's the recent articles submitted by pang siyan
Articles By pang siyan
Can You Cure Halitosis In The Sweet Shop?
Submitted as: pangsiyan
What is the most important item in your pocket or handbag? Your wallet, a purse, maybe a set of keys? A condom? Or is it a packet of mints? Who, after all, hasn't reached for a Polo or Smint before a job interview, romantic tryst or board meeting, in the hope that a blast of extra-strong peppermint or waft of spearmint will banish bad breath and pep up your self-confidence?(read
entire article)
View : 233 Times
Category : Health
Stress Reduces The Likelihood Of Getting Pregnant, Study Finds
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Living life to a tight deadline, juggling appointments and rushing from place to place may harm a woman's chances of becoming pregnant. In the first study to provide evidence that stress reduces the chances of conception, scientists have found that women with high levels of adrenalin, the "fight or flight" hormone, were less likely to get pregnant.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Health
How The World Cup Ended With Glasses Of Sangria All Round
Submitted as: pangsiyan
I'm glad that the World Cup is over and that I can return to my hatred of football. I was starting to enjoy it so much that I was living with a permanent feeling of guilt and shame. As I'm filming in New York I had to fit the last couple of games around my schedule and try to find a bar with the game on.(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Sports
From High School Hero To Jihadist Targeting The Us
Submitted as: pangsiyan
They call him "The Jihadist Next Door": an all-American high school student from Alabama who recently popped up in a remote corner of East Africa, where he is one of the key figures behind the Islamic insurgent group al-Shabaab's long and bloody guerrilla war against the government of Somalia.(read
entire article)
View : 224 Times
Category : Education
Lennon Fighting To Stop Rangers Hat-trick
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Celtic are restricted to small signs of headway, as if their progress must first be pieced together. The last four months have been a frantic collaboration of ambition, uncertainty, haste and exertion, so that the team now embark upon the season in a state of apprehension. Neil Lennon, a ferociously emphatic player, must seldom have felt so indistinct.(read
entire article)
View : 262 Times
Category : Sports
The Weird And Wonderful World Of Wallpaper
Submitted as: pangsiyan
In his latest book, At Home: A Short History of Private Life, Bill Bryson takes his reader on a tour of private life through the ages, revealing as he does that, historically, our home life has been at best unimaginably uncomfortable, and at worst a death-trap. Wallpaper, he tells us, played its role in this, being laden with arsenic until the late 19th century and often smelling of garlic when damp. Meanwhile, green wallpaper was said to stop bed-bugs.(read
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Others
It May Be Heresy, But St Andrews Is More Than The Old Course
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Out beyond the 11th green, which is the point of the Old Course furthest from the shelter of the vast tented village, and where the vertical wetness was somehow compounded by horizontal wetness in the bleak, flat form of the adjacent Eden estuary, it was even possible to feel slightly sorry for oneself. Yet turning back towards the distant auld grey toun, I felt my heart lift, as it always does at the sight of the spires and towers of St Andrews.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Social Community
Is It Time For Radical Solutions When It Comes To Getting Poorer Students Into Top Universities?
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Andrew Seaton, 22, is one of a rare breed – an ambitious student from a deprived background, with four grade As at A-level, who has juast completed his first year at Oxford University.
He believes that Oxford and Cambridge should take many more students like him, but has no easy answers about how this can be achieved and is sceptical about the idea of Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, that Oxbridge colleges be forced to reserve places for a certain number of pupils from a wide range of schools.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Education
Humourous Designs That Might (or Might Not) Make You Chuckle
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Since the recession struck a year and a half ago, designs with a "humourous" edge are on the rise with irony, wit and lashings of absurdity cropping up all over the interiors sector.
But, while not many people would argue with a reason to smile, sometimes, one has to question whether humour in the home décor should ever stray further than a novelty cushion, a silly apron or, better yet, be eternally relegated to the downstairs loo.(read
entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Art
The Mediterranean 'heritage' Diet
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: easy vertu. It's a staggering piece of Roman civil engineering, built by enslaved Gauls and richly deserving of its status as a love jewelerys UNESCO World Heritage Site.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Health