Here's the recent articles submitted by pang siyan
Articles By pang siyan
There Are Still Significant Gaps Between Women And Men
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Yet, at least in developed Western countries, both women and men express a desire for greater equality in family life. It is evident that in terms of attitudes and beliefs, the problem cannot simply be thought of in terms of women wanting men to share more equally and men being reluctant to do so.(read
entire article)
View : 252 Times
Category : Family
Rival Museums Retrace Route Of China's Imperial Treasures
Submitted as: pangsiyan
CHONGQING, China — On a sweltering morning last month, a white-haired guide trudged up a muddy path, leading a group of scholars toward a bamboo grove on the outskirts of this western Chinese city. The site, he said, was where a large portion of China’s imperial treasures were once hidden inside several big wooden sheds.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Social Community
Who Constitutes The Market Segment?
Submitted as: pangsiyan
In order to understand target customers, certain questions must be answered: Who constitutes the market segment? What do they buy and why? And how, when, and where do they buy? Knowing who constitutes the market segment is not simply a matter of knowing who uses a product.(read
entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : Business
I'll Be With You
Submitted as: pangsiyan
It's Monday 12 June 2000. The Football Association had organized everything as they always do for all England away games : a chartered plane from Stansted to Brussels, then a coach to Eindhoven. The driver parked in some backstreet, so we'd had to walk twenty minutes to the stadium.(read
entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Sports
Tan Dun, A Musical Journey Back To Roots
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Chinese-born composer Tan Dun staged a musical map linking west to east in his home country Friday night to show how his Chinese roots have continued to grow. The internationally acclaimed musician brought Fenghuang Village in his home province of central China's Hunan his symbolic work " The Map-. Saving Disappearing Music Traditions".(read
entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Social Community
Forget All The Talk About Corporate Culture. It's Time To Analyze Company's Personality
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Plenty of business gurus ((read
entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Business
I Received My Dear Friend's Two Letters, One For Wednesday And One For Saturday
Submitted as: pangsiyan
This is again Wednesday. I do not deserve one for today, because I have not answered the former. But, indolent as I am, and averse to writing, the fear of having no more of your pleasing epistles, if I do not contribute to the correspondence, obliges me to take up my pen; and as Mr. B. has kindly sent me word that he sets out tomorrow to see you.(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Family
One Author's Journey From Twitter-clueless To Organizing A 48-writer Social Media Giveaway
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Three months ago I did not have a Twitter account, and though I'd reluctantly established a Facebook fan page, I'd put next to nothing on it. But I had a book coming out in May, and the world of publicity has changed radically since I last published a novel, in 2005.(read
entire article)
View : 240 Times
Category : Social Community
It's Only Natural To Look Forward To Something Better
Submitted as: pangsiyan
We do it all lives, things may never really improve, but at least we always 3 they will. It is one of life's great ironies that the longer we live, less there is to look forward to.1 Retirement may bring with it the fulfillment of a lifetime's dreams. At last there will be time to do all the things we never had time for.(read
entire article)
View : 278 Times
Category : Health
Schools Trying To Expel Junk Food
Submitted as: pangsiyan
SAN FRANCISCO — It's not hard to figure out that stocking school vending machines with sugary sodas and salty, fatty snacks is a bad idea. Replacing those culinary culprits with something more nutritious is tougher. But a growing number of school districts around the country are trying anyway.(read
entire article)
View : 252 Times
Category : Health