Here's the recent articles submitted by pang siyan
Articles By pang siyan
Diptyque's New Take On Vanilla
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Vanilla has the power to woo in desserts—particularly age-old classics like crème brûlée or homemade ice cream—but the same doesn’t necessarily hold true with fragrances. As a perfume note, it’s often simply too sweet, too cloying, too reminiscent of, well, baked goods to be worn on the skin.(read
entire article)
View : 304 Times
Category : Beauty
Pregnant Women Urged To Get Flu Shots
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: fashion gift WASHINGTON — Flu season may not sound as scary for pregnant women this year as last – but they're still at high risk brand watches and need that shot, says a letter being mailed to thousands of health providers this week from some leading medical societies.(read
entire article)
View : 234 Times
Category : Health
The Caffeine Wars
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: fashion gift Caffeine may be the perfect drug of the Internet Age -- cheap, legal and available absolutely everywhere. brand watches For a population complaining of fatigue, exhaustion, stress and insomnia, it appears a near perfect antidote.(read
entire article)
View : 252 Times
Category : Health
Dr. Jessica Wu Talks Bogus Beauty Aids
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: fashion gift There are so many products making antiaging claims these days, it’s hard to know what top brand watch works and what’s just hype. Any candid guidance would be greatly appreciated.(read
entire article)
View : 256 Times
Category : Beauty
Youngblood Cosmetics Primps Out The Greenshows
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: cool clothes While fashion week is in full swing at its new Lincoln Center digs, 40 blocks due south, the Replica Brand Watches Metropolitan Pavilion has been playing host to the GreenShows.(read
entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Flowerbomb Turns Five (again)!
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: cool clothes Flowerbomb, their smash-hit sambac jasmine, orchid, freesia, and rose-tinged eau, turned five this year, and diligent readers of our People & Parties section Replica Brand Watches will recall the Grace Jones performance and the specialty dessert they designed for Paris’ Le Meurice Hotel for the occasion back in March.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Beauty
Under The Knife And Under Scrutiny: The Beauty Paradox
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: romatic goods We are quick to judge the cosmetic choices made by celebrities and public figures. top brand watch It has become a regular hot topic in almost every popular magazine, on news shows and websites.(read
entire article)
View : 259 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Seven Days Of Purple Lipstick
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: fashion sense As religious readers of this blog know, I’ve sported a different shade of purple, berry-tinged Replica Brand Watches lipstick every day for the past week—and on each day, at least one person has asked me if I was wearing Tom Ford’s new lipstick.(read
entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Beauty
Uncle Lends Steady Hand In Nadal's Unsettled Life
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: romatic goods In the vainglorious world of professional tennis, there are worse breaches of civility than a 12 o’clock shadow. top brand watch But Nadal, the men’s top seed from Spain, is his uncle’s nephew.(read
entire article)
View : 253 Times
Category : Health
At Main Court, Wind Is Common Opponent
Submitted as: pangsiyan
Drive from: football feilds Sampras happily reported that the swirling winds that had Replica Brand Watches been a bother in Louis Armstrong Stadium were not a problem in the new stadium.(read
entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Social Community