Here's the recent articles submitted by diaz kristene
Articles By diaz kristene
Targeting Healthcare Industry Professionals And Decision Makers!
By: diaz kristene
Healthcare Industry is a collaborative and collective effort made from different sources upon public health of nation. It comprises of preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative services. Looking into past census, healthcare industries are found more promising and opportunist than any other sector; new category of diseases and innovative interventions for them are allotted in limited span of period.(read
entire article)
View : 138 Times
Category : Business
How Email Marketing Can Escalate Product Sale
By: diaz kristene
Many e-commerce business owners have used email marketing strategies to inform customers when they launch novel products, services, deals, limited offers and other important news. Many business academicians affirmed that an email marketing strategy is vital element of overall marketing policy and business plan of any company.(read
entire article)
View : 157 Times
Category : Business
Marketing Campaign For Business Planners
By: diaz kristene
Event marketing is a comparatively novel concept in marketing domain which arose in the decade of1980s. Historically, it was found that event marketing practices since primordial times to charity and sponsorship. Many researchers stated that event marketing is intended to promote the interests of firm and its brands by relating the company with a specific movement. Generally, it can be established that event marketing can support business corporations to accomplish corporate objectives, marketing goals, and media objectives.(read
entire article)
View : 153 Times
Category : Business