Here's the recent articles submitted by ali underwood
Articles By ali underwood
Opal Cutting & Polishing - How To Cut And Polish An Opal
Submitted as: Ali C. Underwood
A beautiful opal ring setting or necklace is preceded by a lot of time and effort invested in the gemstone. Here you can find information about Opal Cutting & Polishing(read
entire article)
View : 353 Times
Category : Business
Where Do Opals Get Their Color?
Submitted as: Ali. C. Underwood
Opals display all the colors of a rainbow in an iridescent and moving pattern of green, purple, red, pink, aqua, yellow and any other color.(read
entire article)
View : 233 Times
Category : Business
How Does Our Opal Classification System Work?
Submitted as: Ali C. Underwood
Our classification system is based on the Australian Opal Ebusiness Association (AOEA) Opal Classification Standard, and looks to provide the most detailed information.(read
entire article)
View : 313 Times
Category : General
Opal Mining Safety On The Opal Fields
Submitted as: Ali
Australia produces approximately 90 percent of all the opal in the jewellery market, with Lightning Ridge and White Cliffs in New South Wales being the most dominant opal fields. Visitors looking to fossick or 'spec' for an opal field will first be required to gain permission from relevant landowners.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Business
Opal Nomenclature And Classification
Submitted as: Ali C. Underwood
Classification differs depending on the nature of the opal. The following are the requisite details to be associated with each type of opal.(read
entire article)
View : 300 Times
Category : Business
Black Opal Vs. Boulder Opal
Submitted as: Ali C. Underwood
The black opal is mined in shafts and is widely regarded as the most valuable kind of opal. The Boulder opal was first discovered in Quilpie, Western Queensland.(read
entire article)
View : 268 Times
Category : Business
Opal Fossil
Submitted as: Ali C. Underwood
Black opal fossils mined at Lightning Ridge also incorporate the remains of , mussels, plants snails, crustaceans, plesiosaurs, fish, crocodiles, turtles and a host of other animals that walked the Earth millions of years ago.(read
entire article)
View : 338 Times
Category : Shopping/Product Reviews
Opal: One Of The Most Beautiful Gem Stones
Submitted as: Ali C. Underwood
In the quest to look truly unique and to develop a dazzling personal style, people are straying away from conventional gems like diamonds, rubies and emeralds and are looking to gemstones like Opal.(read
entire article)
View : 281 Times
Category : General
Opals And Opal Jewelry Winner At 2014 Agta Spectrum Awards
Submitted as: Ali. C. Underwood
Opals have rightfully earned their title as one of the most beautiful gem stones of all time and their widespread popularity with each passing day continues to prove just that.(read
entire article)
View : 297 Times
Category : General
Gem Quality Opal
Submitted as: Ali C. Underwood
Opal gemstones have earned their place in the hearts of many and their value doesn't just halt at being Australia's number one natural gemstone.(read
entire article)
View : 312 Times
Category : General