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Articles By eric eckl

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Cowboys, Conservationists, And The Hopeful Herd   By: eric eckl
When we are trying to make something happen, conservationists sometimes think like cowboys. We break out the rhetorical cattle prod and try to shock the public out of complacency and into action with a stiff jolt of bad news. There's a time and place for that -- but to motivate people to actually do something, you have to mix the bad news with a more positive environmental message.(read entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Marketing

Environmental Awareness: Encouragement Vs. Education   By: eric eckl
Environmental experts often fall into the "if only they knew" trap -- "If only they knew they lived in a watershed," "if only they knew the stormdrain went to the creek." But TV commercials, brochures, and other materials that are educational produce disappointing results compared to those that try to encourage the desired behavior.(read entire article)
View : 333 Times
Category : Environment

Sorry Charlie: Average Advocacy Fails The Tuna   By: eric eckl
Despite overwhelming evidence that the Atlantic tuna is in big trouble and an aggressive campaign by ocean protection groups, the United Nations recently failed to take measures to protect it from further overfishing. Could ocean protection groups make their case more effectively? If so, how?(read entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : Marketing

Protect Georgia Children From Mercury Poisoning From Fish!   By: eric eckl
Electric utilities are seeking to build new coal-burning power plants in south Georgia. Get the facts on why these new plants would be dangerous -- and what you can do to stop them.(read entire article)
View : 368 Times
Category : Environment

Environmental Issue Surveys: What Are They Telling Us?   By: eric eckl
Recent environmental issue surveys find that Americans now believe that stimulating the economy is more important than protecting the environment -- and yet other polls find that Americans reject the premise of these questions altogether. Are Americans losing their appetite for nature protection and pollution control? Or are sloppy poll questions creating a misleading impression?(read entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Environment

Scoop The Poop And Save The World!   By: eric eckl
Green grass and clean water -- removing dog doo from your yard is a simple step that you can take to have both. This article briefly explores why -- and how -- to clean up after your dog at home, as well as when you are out walking.(read entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Save The Planet -- With Your Lawnmower!   By: eric eckl
The rain that falls on your yard helps nourish green and healthy grass. And the rain that runs off your yard ends up in the local creek. Here are three tips for how to mow your yard in an environmentally-friendly way that helps prevent water pollution!(read entire article)
View : 298 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Three Tips To Save Water And Money At Home   By: eric eckl
Saving water and saving money around the house is a snap if you follow these three simple tips. You'll feel great knowing that you are doing your part to help protect the environment, and have a little more money in your pocket for the fun things in life, too.(read entire article)
View : 324 Times
Category : Parenting/Kids

Five Reasons To Pick Up After Your Dog, Every Single Time   By: eric eckl
Have you ever seen this bumper sticker? "I strive to be the person my dog thinks I am." One way to live up to your dog's impression of you is to pick up your dog's poop when you are out walking. It's a simple step that leads to a nicer neighborhood, cleaner water, and a healthier environment.(read entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Animal and Pet

Water For Life, Your Lawn, Your Planet   By: eric eckl
There's something about the smell of water from a garden hose that just says "summer" to a green thumb. Here are a few tips on how to water your lawn and garden responsibly -- conserving water for fish, birds, and the natural environment.(read entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Home and Garden

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