Here's the recent articles submitted by fagi fitten
Articles By fagi fitten
Mind Your Memes
Submitted as: James P Grinnell
In 1976 Biologist Richard Dawkins likened the proliferation of cultural symbols,
ideas, and behaviors to the biological process through which genetic coding is
passed across generations. Dawkins called these units of cultural information
memes (pronounced similarly to genes). Richard Brodie (author of Virus of the
Mind) adds that these memes are "... a thought, belief, or attitude in your mind
that can spread to and from other people's minds." Memes range from the positive
(e.g., Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself) to the negative
(e.g., Kill or be killed). This article will focus on the negative end of the
continuum, examining five memes that often rear their ugly head during change
entire article)
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Category : Humor