Here's the recent articles submitted by jack wartley
Articles By jack wartley
Borja Cabezón
Submitted as: jackwartley
Borja Cabezon is a founder and promoter of European Restlessness, who currently works at the American company Abzooba Analytics as a Business Development Manager.(read
entire article)
View : 231 Times
Category : Business
Borja Cabezon Is A Political Scientist Who Motivates His Team To Meet New Challenges
Submitted as: jackwartley
Borja Cabezon is an enterprising person who likes to formulate projects, organize them and promote them.(read
entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Business
Borja Cabezon Motivates The Team To Take Up New Challenges
Submitted as: jackwartley
Borja Cabezon is presently working as a Business Development Manager in Abzooba. The absorber is an American Company, which is in the Technology and Analytics sector. Borja Cabezon collaborates with a foundation that works on cooperation projects.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Business
Cabezón Renunciará Como Concejal Y Secretario General Del Psoe En Majadahonda
Submitted as: jackwartley
El candidato del PSOE a la alcaldía de Majadahonda, Borja Cabezón, renunciará a su acta de concejal y próximamente hará efectiva su dimisión como secretario General de los socialistas de esta localidad porque considera que "hay que dejar paso a compañeros que vienen con más fuerza e ilusión".(read
entire article)
View : 237 Times
Category : General