Here's the recent articles submitted by john gilliam
Articles By john gilliam
Gain The Ultimate Advantage With Tsunami Trading
By: john gilliam
Gain the Ultimate Advantage with Tsunami Trading(read
entire article)
View : 263 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Stock Day Trading Systems
By: john gilliam
Stock Day Trading Systems(read
entire article)
View : 323 Times
Category : Stock Market/Future Market/Commodity Market
Is The Tsubot Right For You?
By: john gilliam
Is the TsuBot Right for You?(read
entire article)
View : 364 Times
Category : Stock Market/Future Market/Commodity Market
Tsunami Trade Software
By: john gilliam
Every trading software and stock market expert that has ever wanted you to give them money in exchange for expert advice or a trading system has one thing in common. To make sure you consider them an expert, they will bring in all kinds of metrics and terms, analyzing this term against that metric in a manner seemingly too complex for you to come up with yourself (after all, the vocabulary seems such a barrier). And more often than not, they complicate themselves right into an incorrect analysis, which loses you money.
The most important metrics of any stock are the basics: Price vs volume and momentum. Current charts measure these only after the fact, which may allow you to see how they affected each other just quickly enough to miss the trade or lose out on the opportunity to get out. Instead of complicated over the top metrics which do not help the situation, what is truly needed is real time analysis of the simple ones.
There are few joys greater than seeing a stock you picked go immediately in the right direction. Too many make the mistake, however, of disregarding or misinterpreting the simple price volume momentum metrics which could save a lot of broken hearts on lost money. For instance:
Consider an up trending market with which your stock is in high correlation. You are making money based on price and momentum, but are you taking volume into consideration? Most traders get lazy and lose money because they do not notice the negative volume convergence because their momentum is just so great and everything is going perfectly -- why mess up a good thing with more analysis?
Well, if your volume trend liine is not going the same way as your price trend line, you may be in trouble. Because just because the market has momentum, buyers are beginning to view your stock as having reached its premium to own. At this point, no matter the momentum, your stock is ready to fall. These are simple mistakes that we all make, none of us should, and mistakes that the right software focused on the right metrics can automate for you, so you don't even have to think about it anymore.
Our newly updated Tsunami Trade stock trading software does just that -- provides real time analysis of the basics. Our proprietary algorithm calls turns based on volume pullbacks or momentum slides instead of making you guess on past information. Our software also helps you make these calls more accurately, as the mathematical precision of our software is unmatched in the industry.
We offer a trial period in which we will apply our algorithm to your favorite time and market so you can see the effectiveness of accurate and precise PVM analysis. Please view an introduction to our software at
We will see you in the Hamptons.(read
entire article)
View : 271 Times
Category : Computers
Get A Massive Edge By Trading With Tsunami Trade
By: john gilliam
The trading activity in the markets has been growing at a steady pace for the last 20 years. Most of this growth comes from technology improvements, which have made it easier and easier for traders everywhere to get real time information. On top of this information flow, many companies offer advanced trading tools that take advantage of both technology and information in order to give traders an edge. Tsunami Trading is leading the charge with some of the most advanced trading tools available anywhere.
One of the major advantages Tsunami Trading software offers is the ability to instantaneously look at multiple time-frames at the same time. If you are new to trading, this is a huge breakthrough for day trading systems. Pulling up a price chart only gives a trader a snapshot of the time period chosen. Some traders realize this limitation, and open two or three charts in different time-frames. Tsunami Trading software looks at them all. One of the easiest ways to lose money when trading is to go against the primary trend. What looks like an uptrend on the chart a trader is watching may in fact be a part of a larger downtrend on a larger time-frame. Tsunami identifies the primary and strongest trend for you by looking at multiple periods of time in the background in real time.
Another major advantage that Tsunami Trade provides is the elimination of subjective trading. All traders go down this path, it is very hard to avoid. To put it simply, subjective trading forces a trader to watch price behavior and then decide if its' matching a previously defined pattern of action. A simple example is a price breakout to a new high. Will the breakout continue higher, or will it fail? This subjective nature that makes it next to impossible for new traders to learn to trade successfully. Tsunami Trade employs advanced statistical analysis of price action in real time that combined into a proprietary momentum algorithm. This algorithm is able to accurately filter out signals that should be avoided, and point out high odds trades in advance. Any day trading future system needs to provide this edge in order to be useful.
The result is some amazing software that gives any trader an edge when trading the markets. The software is able to perform on any instrument on any time traded. If you want a forex day trading system that operates on short term charts, Tsunami Trade works. Other traders may prefer a longer holding time, and Tsunami Trade performs here as well. It provides a disciplined method to control the greed and fear which causes most traders to fail by putting the odds in your favor. Remember, the software does not guarantee against losses - that is impossible. Losses are a part of trading, and are expected along with the wins. What Tsunami Trade does better than any other software is to shift the odds of winning strongly in a trader's favor and reduce the amount of losses that happen.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Computers