Here's the recent articles submitted by tom wade
Articles By tom wade
Security Issues Of Mobile Banking Apps
Submitted as: TomWade
The proliferation of banking services through mobiles along with the inevitable rise in mobile malware have made mobile security a top priority for regulators. Current solutions have failed to alleviate this unease. Intelligent re-engineering and authentication algorithms are a crucial step for banks to protect their customers and secure their future in the market(read
entire article)
View : 330 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Main Challenges In Automated Testing Of Digital App
Submitted as: Tomwade
The characteristics of banking application and the limitations of the organization poses several challenges in automating the testing process. Test automation is the current industry standard, and challenges, whatever they are, need to be understood and mitigated for secured and efficient application functions.(read
entire article)
View : 367 Times
Category : Computers
Choosing The Right Test Automation Framework For Banking Applications
Submitted as: TomWade
As automated testing is more widely used, testing teams seek out frameworks that can handle automated testing across multiple platforms and devices. Before beginning to test, it is important to understand the different characteristics of testing frameworks and the application in order to gear testing efforts to meet the characteristics.(read
entire article)
View : 438 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Considerations For Choosing The Right Test Automation Framework For Multi-channel Sales
Submitted as: TomWade
Multi channels are those applications which have more than one interface. Although these are interfaces for the same application, not all interfaces surface the same functionality. Having the right test automation framework in practice can substantially accelerate sales.(read
entire article)
View : 387 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Key Considerations Before Adopting Selenium Framework
Submitted as: TomWade
The process of automation framework requires detailed planning and effort. Once such a framework is formed, it can be used across projects in an organization. Selenium too comes with its own hurdles and needs careful consideration before its adoption into the organization.(read
entire article)
View : 442 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
How To Use Selenium Grid To Its Full Potential
Submitted as: TomWade
The Selenium Grid allows for running tests in a distributed test execution environment. It allows to run tests on different machines and different browsers and OS in parallel. Following some basic methods can help in accelerating its test execution potential.(read
entire article)
View : 479 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
Use Of Mobile Analytics To Optimize Mobile App
Submitted as: Tomwade
Active mobile app demand constant maintenance and enhancements. However, changes can adversely affect user experience. Hence, to meet the user expectations, developers and testers can monitor the app usage and enhance their development and testing efforts accordingly.(read
entire article)
View : 365 Times
Category : Hardware/Software
Quality Assurance For Digital Enterprises
Submitted as: Tomwade
The conventional sense of testing is long gone. Digital products and services have been evolving at a rapid pace which had led their demands. Shorter releases have made testing lead the digital transformation from the front rather than being squeezed at the end.(read
entire article)
View : 413 Times
Category : Others
Mobile Application Performance Testing
Submitted as: TomWade
Performance Testing of mobile applications does not stop with successful testing of all functional tests. Rather, it needs to be a continuous process in order to ensure that users have the best possible experience of the mobile application.(read
entire article)
View : 396 Times
Category : Computers
Why In Penetration Testing Required?
Submitted as: TomWade
Penetration testing is basically used to re-create the attack process. It helps to validate that the controls placed for the security of the system are capable of thwarting any possible attacks in future.(read
entire article)
View : 311 Times
Category : General