Here's the recent articles submitted by thiaghu radhakrishnan
Articles By thiaghu radhakrishnan
Five Steps Towards Great Event's Website
Submitted as: Contus
Website is an important part for any business in today’s market. Creating a website for your new event or business is the best way to promote your event to your audience. Read further for smart tips to make your event’s website more functional for you.(read
entire article)
View : 385 Times
Category : Web Design
Things To Take Care Of While Designing Your Business Website
Submitted as: Contus
It would always sounds easy and simple to create a business website. However, when it comes to perfection, there are number of errors, which can be avoided during building a website. Small things play very important role in your website but builders of website do not give much attention to. They can at times lead to big mistakes.
There are several mistakes, which you need to avoid strictly in web designing process of your business website. Here, we give you list of 10 common mistakes that you should take care of:(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Web Design
Five Easy And Cheap Solutions To Market Your Business
Submitted as: Contus Support
Marketing is the most important thing for your business product or service in today’s highly competitive market segment. Marketing allows people to know about your products, events and services, better. There are several different marketing strategies available in market and it is up to you, from which to choose. Sometimes, few marketing method might take long process to yield to the results and some might be quick enough to yield smart results. Following are five quick marketing ideas to promote your event and increase your sale.(read
entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Internet Marketing
Make Your Customers Shop More On Your Website
Submitted as: Contus Support
The internet has opened the door to 24x7 shopping no matter where you live. Nowadays, websites have become a powerful medium for customers to find information about the products they like. They can even compare different products and read customer reviews online. In order to make sure that you portray a perfect review of your company and products on the web and get more customers online, read further.(read
entire article)
View : 235 Times
Category : Marketing
Email Marketing - Devise Perfect Strategy To Suit Your Business
Submitted as: Contus Support
E-mail marketing is one of the methods of direct marketing, which uses electronic mail for communication of products to the customers. It is easy, affordable and effective online marketing method. It allows you to build relationship with your customer through personalized mail communication.(read
entire article)
View : 255 Times
Category : Marketing
5 Smart Way For Small Businesses To Offer Location-based Deal
Submitted as: Contus Support
Small businesses are always looking for fresh and new ideas to serve good location – based deals. They need such creative ideas to stay ahead in competition.
Following are some tips, which can help small businesses for creative deals.(read
entire article)
View : 260 Times
Category : Marketing
Work Less But Smart To Grow Your Business
Submitted as: Contus Support
The concept of doing less work might sound risky for your business. With passing times, it has become a very competitive market and it is very hard to stay in the market in this competitive time. However, we put forward to you a new concept, which is giving good result to several companies all over.(read
entire article)
View : 193 Times
Category : Business
Best Impression Of A Web Development Company
Submitted as: Thiagu Radhakrishnan
With the enormous growth of scope for business in internet, almost every business on land is trying to find effective service and advertising space in the web. The benchmark quality of web applications is continuously going high day by day. And hence the competition between the web developing companies is growing suitably. The methods and platforms used to develop web applications are numerous today.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Web Design