Here's the recent articles submitted by chad sunyich
Articles By chad sunyich
The Three Factors Of Investing, Part 2
By: chad sunyich
In part one, we discussed how time is by far the dominating factor in investing, but we only have a limited amount of time and time is not easily doubled. We also learned that interest rates are somewhat of a moving target, unless they are fixed, but no high-return investment is ever fixed. This leads us to the last factor of investing or the amount of money you can afford to invest.(read
entire article)
View : 228 Times
Category : Business
How To Negotiate Your Interest Rates
By: chad sunyich
One of the quickest and easiest ways to find additional cash flow is by challenging the interest rates you are being charged, especially on any high interest consumer debt. Negotiating lower interest rates reduces your monthly payments, creating additional cash flow and interest savings. Interest rate negotiation deals primarily with credit card debt, or revolving debt accounts, and would not pertain to secured debts such as mortgages or automobiles, as they are secured by a physical asset. By renegotiating your interest rates, you are challenging the interest that you are charged based on your credit score or financial standing, oftentimes resulting in a reduction of rates and payments.(read
entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Debt
You And Your Credit
By: chad sunyich
What is a credit score and how is it determined? Let's start from the beginning. There are three credit repositories that track and report all credit related information: Equifax, Trans Union and Experian. Creditors report credit related information to credit bureaus. Credit bureaus then pass the information on to the credit repositories that document and transfer the information to your credit report.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Business
What's Your Financial Fitness Score?
By: chad sunyich
Find out if you are heading towards financial freedom or financial despair. Your financial fitness score shows how you stack up in a down economy. Take your time and enjoy!(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Business
Roll Up Your Sleeves On Debt Elimination
By: chad sunyich
There are several methods or theories about the most effective debt elimination. process. Most financial experts advocate the application of power payments, or additional payments directly to your principle, as the most effective way to rapidly eliminate debt. Many of these experts would also recommend that you begin a roll up program by eliminating the debt that carries the highest interest rate first. Others recommend applying any extra cash resources to the debt with the lowest balance or to a debt you simply want to pay off early, like money loaned by a friend or family member.(read
entire article)
View : 249 Times
Category : Debt
Evaluating Your Risk Tolerance
By: chad sunyich
Today more than ever, planning for your retirement demands that you stay ahead of the financial factors that shape our economy. With so many different types of investments to choose from, how does an investor determine the best path of wealth creation? Again, it is important to remember that every individual is different and that there is no one model that works for everyone. However, there are two underlying principles to consider when deciding which investment is right for you, Resources and Time.(read
entire article)
View : 230 Times
Category : Business
Financially Fit For Life
By: chad sunyich
Achieving financial freedom requires a road map that must be followed to reach the final destination, and your goals are the signposts that will show you the way. Without goals, long-lasting changes are hard to make in life. Here are some suggestions designed to help you begin the goal setting process and start your path to ultimate wealth.(read
entire article)
View : 248 Times
Category : Business
Credit Repair Basics
By: chad sunyich
With soaring US public debt, falling home values and record gas prices, many of us feel like our credit scores have been on a roller coaster with no end in sight. There is hope! The Federal Trades Commission has established hundreds of laws and rulings geared to help protect consumers. Federal law also requires that your credit report be accurate, complete and verifiable, and it’s your right to challenge and remove any information that is not exact and precise. Credit repair is possible with a little effort on your part.(read
entire article)
View : 801 Times
Category : Debt
The Three Factor Of Investing
By: chad sunyich
Many consumers are wondering what to do with their money during a down economy. Should you invest the extra money or use it to pay off something you owe? It's a decision that many of us face without a great deal of consideration even though the results may have far reaching consequences! The three factors that ultimately determine the return on any investment are time, interest rate, and amount invested. If you could increase any single factor, which would it be and which would be second and third?(read
entire article)
View : 208 Times
Category : Investing / Finance
Mortgage Modification
By: chad sunyich
The recent $75 billion mortgage modification plan captained by President Barack Obama has created a frenzy of scams and fraud now targeting the people the program was originally designed to help. Since October of last year, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae alone have received a total of $59.8 billion from the recent bailout fund. But is the plan actually helping or hurting American consumers?
According to Moody’s, of the 52 million homeowners in the U.S., nearly 13.8 million, or just under 27 percent, owe more money on their mortgage than their property is worth. Credit Suisse estimates the U.S. could see nearly six million new foreclosures between 2009 and 2012 if trends continue at the current pace. Consumers are desperate for a “life-line,†and are willing to do whatever it takes to stay in their homes.
President Obama’s mortgage modification program was designed to rescue up to nine million of those homes from falling into foreclosure; however, the messages received by consumers are not always aligned with this goal.
In a recent warning by the U. S. Treasury Department, federal and state officials are now targeting scams and fraud related to mortgage modification loans and the Obama administration’s efforts to revitalize the mortgage lending industry. The Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission are also stepping in by alerting banks and questioning possible scam artists in connection with illegal loan modification programs.
Government officials report that borrowers in risk of default or foreclosure. are being targeted by scammers who are charging upfront fees of $1,000 to $3,000 to help modify or refinance homes. However most of these loans never happen. Attorney General Eric Holder said the FBI is investigating about 2,100 mortgage fraud cases, a 400 percent increase from five years ago.
Below are a few simple rules to help avoid scams and fraud.
When evaluating a product or service and before signing anything, find out a little information about the company. Check out how long they have been in business. Do they have a clean record with the Better Business Bureau? Do they have any complaints or pending lawsuits? After researching the company, its owners, and a sample of past clients, find out how much money you have to spend to evaluate whether the solution is right for your specific needs.
Make sure that you can afford the initial investment to get started and find out what additional fees will be charged if you decide to move forward. Lastly, make sure that you actually qualify for the product or service if it requires lending or government assistance.
Homeowners can also locate free housing counselors at or by calling (888) 995-HOPE.
Author Chad Sunyich writes here about mortgage modification plan which is captained by President Barack Obama. President Obama’s mortgage modification program was designed to rescue of those homes from falling into foreclosure. Now U. S. Treasury Department targeting scams and fraud related mortgage lending industry. Also he writes here few simple rules to help avoid scams and fraud. Find out how much money you have to spend to evaluate whether the solution.(read
entire article)
View : 201 Times
Category : Real Estate and Foreclosure