Here's the recent articles submitted by shreya gupta
Articles By shreya gupta
Web Page Translation: Professional Means Hazard Free
By: shreya gupta
Everything today from comics to economics is neither country nor language specific. Businesses, art, literature, pop songs, etc., etc., have to be as multilingual and multicultural as target audiences and consumers. Web pages are no exception.(read
entire article)
View : 339 Times
Category : Business
Video Game Localisation: No Child's Play
By: shreya gupta
The world of video games is creative beyond imagination; quite literally so! The PlayStation, Game Boy or even a smartphone is like a portal that opens into an astonishing universe. But what is most astonishing is that irrespective of country, creed, colour or language, gamers the world over are playing the same games.(read
entire article)
View : 364 Times
Category : Business
Translation And Interpretation Services- Two Sides Of The Same Coin
By: shreya gupta
If you have ever spoken to someone over a bad telephone line or a mobile phone connection ridden by static and ghost voices, you will know how exasperating it can be. Communication needs to be clear and comprehensible.(read
entire article)
View : 349 Times
Category : Business
Saying Hola In The Right Language
By: shreya gupta
Spain is one of the most fitting locations to reflect on International economic developments, given its spectacular embrace of the global economy over the past few decades, and its remarkable political transformation—allowing it to assume its rightful place among the leading democratic nations. When Eduardo Aninat, Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund said these powerful words in 2001, Spain was being illuminated under a global spotlight with a new vigour.(read
entire article)
View : 353 Times
Category : Business
Expand Business With Portugal
By: shreya gupta
Globalization and easily accessible channels of communication have stimulated international business. With increased trade and investments between countries, the need for translation services is escalating. Proper translation helps companies reach their full potential. An effective translation service results in pointed communication towards the target audience and helps stakeholders to work together efficiently on a project.(read
entire article)
View : 515 Times
Category : Business
Are Polish Words Unpronounceable
By: shreya gupta
Polish is a West Slavic language spoken primarily by the 38.5 million natives of Poland as their first language. In addition, Polish is the second language in parts of Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Historically, Polish is an important tongue in academia and diplomacy in Central and Eastern Europe.(read
entire article)
View : 384 Times
Category : Business
Staying On Top Of The Game: Localisation Mistakes To Avoid
By: shreya gupta
There's no denying that video games have become an integral part of the millennial life. This is probably because they allow the gamer to lead an alternate life, full of adventure and challenges. Gaming is a truly global industry today- a $60 billion one.(read
entire article)
View : 372 Times
Category : Business
How Spanish Translation Services Can Help Your Business Grow!
By: shreya gupta
Markets are expanding globally leading to economic benefits for all concerned. Governments are signing bilateral trade agreements advantageous for their people. As business investments are growing between countries of different languages and cultures, there is an increasing need for translation services. Spain is the 7th largest trading partner, from the European Union, in India. This is creating a need for Spanish Translation Services; to understand and translate not only business documents but also legal contracts, financial statements, etc.(read
entire article)
View : 352 Times
Category : Business
Why Your Business Needs A Multilingual Website?
By: shreya gupta
When a business needs to make a bold statement that is bound to create ripples in a new market, it is best to go the professionals.(read
entire article)
View : 341 Times
Category : Business
Break The Online Language Barrier With The Video Language Translator
By: shreya gupta
Over 70% of the world's Internet users do not speak English and these non-English Internet users are taking to the Internet faster than the English speakers. On the one hand, these statistics are surprising, while on the other they present an opportunity which is being missed by most in the industry.(read
entire article)
View : 398 Times
Category : Business