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Articles By shreya gupta

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Certified Translation Services And Websites - A Prolific Market   By: shreya gupta
Reasons why businesses should leverage certified translation services with the help of professional translation services providers(read entire article)
View : 347 Times
Category : Business

Software Localization: Choosing A Professional Translation Services Provider   By: shreya gupta
The last five years have aptly demonstrated that sky is literally the limit for a good technology or software in this era. Boundaries have blurred and constraints have dissolved as more and more users open their ears, wallets and desks for the latest toy on the block or the hottest software to grab. The more intuitive a product is, the better its chances to be readily absorbed in an ever-expanding global market.(read entire article)
View : 394 Times
Category : Business

What Are The Signs Of A Strong E-learning Translation?   By: shreya gupta
Today E-Learning has taken Centre-stage in almost every sphere of education and development. Students, corporate trainers, trainees, vocational professionals and many more are taking advantage of this revolution that technology has presented.(read entire article)
View : 354 Times
Category : Business

Website Translation - Mistakes To Avoid    Submitted as: shreyagupta
Despite numerous advancements and examples, companies tend to forget that websites are not just a tick in their marketing or communication boxes. When they pick a translation agency they should consider website translation service with the focus and unique treatment it direly needs.(read entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Business

Spanish Translation: No More A Cobbled Street    Submitted as: Shreya
When you are living in a global village, can you ignore new and upcoming markets? Or can you treat them in a lazy or step-motherly way just because the language does not top your to-do list or strategy dartboard?(read entire article)
View : 364 Times
Category : Business

Translation Services Can Add Meaning To Your World    Submitted as: Shreya
“No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main” wrote the famous English poet, John Donne. It is this “social” aspect of human beings that necessitated communication and led to the development of language.(read entire article)
View : 342 Times
Category : Business

Weave The Magic With Website Translation    Submitted as: Shreya
The whole world does not speak English, though this is a common misconception. In fact, Mandarin Chinese is the language spoken by a majority of the world's population, probably because of the sheer numbers that inhabit China. This is followed by Spanish with English coming in at third place. When the aim is to communicate with as many people who have access to the internet, to think that any one language is sufficient is not what will grease the wheels of commerce or throw light on the shadows of web pages and website content.(read entire article)
View : 391 Times
Category : Business

The Dragon Has Entered : English To Chinese Translation    Submitted as: Shreya
The People's Republic of China is viewed through different lenses even today. Exotic. Mysterious. Aggressive. Fascinating. These are just some of the monikers that are pasted onto this 9.597million square kilometres that make up the Land of the Dragon.(read entire article)
View : 434 Times
Category : Business

Understanding German Language And The Business Culture    Submitted as: Mruthula Sweety
It may be the apple of many technology-loving eyes but you must have heard about the rough waters a certain brand ran into in Korean markets when it did not care enough to translate basic instructions and updates in the native language of the market.(read entire article)
View : 388 Times
Category : Business

Dubai Destinations Made Easy - Cab Services For The Savvy Commuter    Submitted as: Dyllan Samer
Thankfully that is a thing of the past. There's no need to wave your arms full of parcels or yell yourself hoarse to make yourself heard over the zoom and vroom of traffic. All you need to do is use your thumb(s) - and not to hitch a ride. The reality is that no one with a smartphone needs to hail a cab anymore.(read entire article)
View : 494 Times
Category : Travel

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