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Articles By id integration

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Mil Specs And Standardization Norms    Submitted as: Id Intigration
The Department of Defense has introduced many Defense Standards also known as Mil-SPECs. These standards are used to standardize the products and services produced and used by the U.S. military.(read entire article)
View : 204 Times
Category : Marketing

A Detail Analysis Of Unique Identification Nameplates    Submitted as: Id Intigration
The Department of Defense (DoD) has initiated the Item Unique Identification Program (IUID) in order to improve the asset management program through uniquely identifying property, equipment, supplies and other operating materials. Unique identification nameplates are a part of this framework.(read entire article)
View : 200 Times
Category : Business

Mil-std-129 And Mil-std-129p - New Uid Compliance Standards   By: id integration
This MIL-STD-129P standard is used for shipping containers carrying military items. This new standard has been mandated by the Department of defense and all other agencies.(read entire article)
View : 220 Times
Category : Marketing

Will The Changes In Mil-std-130n & Mil-std-130l Affect You?   By: id integration
MIL-STD-130N is the most recent version of MIL-STD-130 (with version N) which was released on 17th December, 2007. The amendment shall not affect the interpretation of different UID coding requirements such as labels, validation and verification. The new MIL-STD-130N standard defines Label as “An item marked with the identification information of another item and affixed to that other item.(read entire article)
View : 207 Times
Category : Marketing

Recent Revision In Mil-std-130m: An Overview   By: id integration
On 2nd December 2005, Department of Defense, which plays a critical role in the identification marking of military properties of US made amendment on MIL-STD-130 L and thus a new standard entitled MIL-STD-130 M, was generated.(read entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Marketing

How To Find The Right Uid Labels Service Provider   By: id integration
Your selection of UID labels services provider can be very critical to attaining UID compliance. This is because your service provider must understand your exact UID nameplate and label needs and guide you through the process accordingly so that you achieve UID compliance.(read entire article)
View : 227 Times
Category : Marketing

How Uid Marking Helps In Product Tracking And Inventory Management   By: id integration
Tracking product items and managing inventory have always been a daunting task for the Department of Defense (DoD). Thanks to its constant innovation to deal with this problem, the DoD has come up with UID marking, a solution to fix each problem inherent to the product tracking and inventory management.(read entire article)
View : 238 Times
Category : Marketing

What Are The Processes Of Submitting Items To The Iuid Registry?   By: id integration
The Item Unique Identification (IUID) Registry is known as the central bank of IUID information. It plays an indispensable part in the identification and classification of items that are at the disposal of the Department of Defense (DoD).(read entire article)
View : 181 Times
Category : Marketing

Uid Laser Marking And Its Significance In The Uid Registration   By: id integration
As per one 1992 study report, the DoD could have saved an estimated $2 billion in inventory had the Data Matrix Symbol been marked permanently by a strong method such as UID laser marking. Now the Department of Defense has made it mandatory for all vendors who are to supply parts have to comply with UID Data Matrix Symbols as per the MIL-STD 130M standard.(read entire article)
View : 210 Times
Category : Marketing

How To Maintain Quality Standardization With As9132   By: id integration
The aerospace industry, automotive industry and medical sectors are concerned about direct marking and traceability issues. Thanks to the highly developed reading and marking technologies of the present day, the problems inherent to the conventional and manual marking methods have been solved by the innovative automated marking technologies.(read entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Marketing

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