Here's the recent articles submitted by shasank kumar
Articles By shasank kumar
Roti Banks- An Organization That Provide Food To The Needy
Submitted as: ShasankKumar
In today's world, where everyone is busy in their own life, Roti Bank is a self-help group that provides food to the poor.(read
entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Health
Roti Bank- A Dedicated To Help The Starving People With Meals
Submitted as: ShasankKumar
The Roti Bank is a self-help group that has taken up the cause of providing the adequate meals to poor and needy people.(read
entire article)
View : 403 Times
Category : Others
Roti Bank- Great Way Towards Ending Starvation
Submitted as: ShasankKumar
Humanity is above all religion and one who perceives this quote whole-heartedly is nearer to Godliness.(read
entire article)
View : 316 Times
Category : Business