Here's the recent articles submitted by richard fan
Articles By richard fan
Is Your Daughter Working Late Or Away At School? Will She Be Safe?
By: richard fan
Is the wife working late at the office. Will she get home safe? Give her some protection!
Richard Fan is a practicing emergency and disaster response physician assistant, and personal safety expert. Learn more at
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View : 148 Times
Category : Family
Help! This Rotten Odor Is Ruining My Sweet Car!
Submitted as: Jay Grewer
What's the worst thing that can happen inside your new car besides a fire? There are countless scenarios that can cause your brand new car to unpleasant to sit inside, let alone drive.
Jay Grewer has built a solid a reputation for himself in California, specializing in "Odor Damage Loss Prevention". His shop is centrally located in Lake Forest, California, however his personal and insured customers come from all states. To learn more, visit Jay at
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View : 145 Times
Category : Education
Help! This Foul Odor Is Ruining My Sweet Car!
Submitted as: Jay Grewer
What's the worst accident that can happen inside your new car besides a fire? There are endless scenarios that can cause your brand new car to unbearable to sit inside, let alone drive.
Jay Grewer is a Odor Damage Loss Control Specialist, in Lake Forest, California. He has built a reputation among insurance companies as a "problem solver", providing high quality solutions for resolving odor damage in high value vehicles.� For more information, visit �
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View : 158 Times
Category : Insurance
Smart Products Provide Dependable Protection Against Muggers
By: richard fan
There are many products available for personal protection and self defense these days. Be prepared for any situation, and live confident and secure.
Richard Fan is a practicing emergency/trauma physican assistant in a busy Southern California ER, and an medical officer on the national disaster response team, DMAT CA-1. Routinely treating victims of assault, rape, and robbery, he has developed a passion and expertise in Personal Safety Thru Smart Technology. Learn more about Tasers, Pepper Sprays, and more at
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View : 148 Times
Category : Family
The History Of Taser Guns
Submitted as: Rich Fan
Tasers have come a long way since the eary prototypes.
Richard Fan is a practicing emergency/trauma physican assistant in a busy Southern California ER, and an medical officer on the national disaster response team, DMAT CA-1. Routinely treating victims of assault, rape, and robbery, he has developed a passion and expertise in Personal Safety Thru Smart Technology. Learn more about Tasers, Pepper Sprays, and more at
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View : 175 Times
Category : Family
Spying On Your Kid
Submitted as: Rich Fan
Most of us would like to believe that our kids or teenagers are on the right track, follow the rules. and are on the way to being good citizens. If ever in doubt however, there are many ways to check internet habits, drug use, driving routes, and more, without having to blindly accuse your child. There is no reason to confront them with flimsy suspicions and cause unnecessary grief or destructive arguments.
Richard Fan is a practicing emergency/trauma physican assistant in a busy Southern California ER, and an medical officer on the national disaster response team, DMAT CA-1. Routinely treating victims of assault, rape, and robbery, he has developed a passion and expertise in Personal Safety Thru Smart Technology. Learn more about these and other Smart Life Store products at
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View : 152 Times
Category : Family
Case Study: Odor Damage Versus Total Loss
Submitted as: Jay Grewer
A little while ago we were asked to work a 2 year old vehicle that was damaged by a auto stereo installation shop, and then sent to the dealership for repair. The stereo installersinstallation crew had inadvertently drilled a hole right through the carpet and into the gas tank. In a deparate effort to fix the car several attempts were made by the car dealership to shampoo out the odor damage, but the car was ruined with gas fumes, and perfumes from repeated carpet shampooing. The smell was persistant and noxious, and the insurance company was desparate as the car was being deemed a total loss of about $28000. I assured everyone that OdorBGone would not only get all of the dangerous odors out , but we would also put a 1 year unconditional warranty on it. Then it was our turn to perform.
Jay Grewer has built a solid a reputation for himself in California, specializing in "Odor Damage Loss Prevention". His shop is centrally located in Lake Forest, California, however his personal and insured customers come from all states. For more information, please visit
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View : 144 Times
Category : Insurance
Case Study: Is Automotive Odor Damage Permanent?
Submitted as: Jay Grewer
A little while ago we were asked to work a 2 year old vehicle that was damaged by a car stereo installation shop, and then sent to the dealership for repair. The stereo installersinstallation crew had inadvertently drilled a hole right through the carpet and into the gas tank. As you could probably guess several attempts were made by the car dealership to shampoo out the odor damage, but the car was ruined with gas vapors, and perfumes from repeated carpet shampooing. The smell was strong and nauseating, and the insurance company was desparate as the car was being deemed a total loss of about $28000. I assured everyone that OdorBGone would not only get all of the dangerous odors out , but we would also put a 1 year unconditional warranty on it. Then it was our turn to perform.
Jay Grewer has built a solid a reputation for himself in California, specializing in "Odor Damage Loss Prevention". His shop is centrally located in Lake Forest, California, however his personal and insured customers come from all states. For more information, please visit
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View : 167 Times
Category : Insurance
Thinking About Becoming A Taser Party Host/hostess?
Submitted as: Rich Fan
Are you looking for a fun way to have a home business while keeping your family protected? Just have some friends over, show them the Taser C2, and let them fire it and make up their own minds. The empowerment they’ll feel when firing it for the first time, sells the Taser C2 every time! Why is the C2 Air Taser having such overnight success? Here's what everyone is saying . . . .
Richard Fan is a practicing emergency/trauma physican assistant in a busy Southern California ER, and an medical officer on the national disaster response team, DMAT CA-1. Routinely treating victims of assault, rape, and robbery, he has developed a passion and expertise in Personal Safety Thru Smart Technology. Learn more about these and other Smart Life Store products at
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View : 342 Times
Category : Business
Treating Stomach Aches
Submitted as: Rich Fan
Pain in the stomach area can be caused by many things . Most commonly, the pain will be caused by constipation and gas, or infections caused by bacteria and viruses. The most important thing, is to determine whether you need to seek professional help or not. Any abdominal pain accompanied by high fever, or coffee ground colored or bloody vomiting, or black sticky stool, should be urgently evaluated in person by a doctor.(read
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View : 157 Times
Category : Family