Here's the recent articles submitted by anuradha prabhudesai
Articles By anuradha prabhudesai
Five Steps To Take The Risk Out Of Recruitment
Submitted as: Shital Ravi
In today's corporate setup a lot of effort goes into the process of recruitment and hiring. Training, grooming, mentoring and handholding are the other processes that follow consequently. After all this work that goes into getting new recruits on board, if they either prove to be incompetent or if they suddenly choose to leave the company then facing the brunt of this wrong recruitment can indeed be a very costly affair for the company.(read
entire article)
View : 517 Times
Category : Career
Assertiveness The Right Way Of Being!
Submitted as: Ms. Shital Ravi
Assertiveness is the ability to formulate and communicate one's own thoughts, opinions and wishes in a clear, direct, and non-aggressive way. It is the ability to express oneself and one's rights without violating the rights of others. The ability to be assertive is an asset which is necessary to achieve worthwhile aims and impose some order and justice in one's environment.(read
entire article)
View : 577 Times
Category : Others