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Here's the recent articles submitted by marcus stalder

Articles By marcus stalder

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Shopping Around For Auto Insurance   By: marcus stalder
Car insurance quotes are the main aspect for effective comparison shopping if you need a good policy. However, besides car insurance quotes there are certain rules you have to know in order to do it right.(read entire article)
View : 272 Times
Category : Insurance

Paying By Installments   By: marcus stalder
The article offers a guide on what to look for when buying insurance on an installment plan.(read entire article)
View : 253 Times
Category : Insurance

Make Driving Safer   By: marcus stalder
The article looks at the recommendations for law changes to improve safety on the roads. If there are fewer claims, the premium rates will fall and we will all be better off.(read entire article)
View : 307 Times
Category : Insurance

Goodnight Irene   By: marcus stalder
The article comments on the cost to the insurance industry from one of the worst years on record for weather-related disasters. It's going to cost the industry billions and force up the premium rates.(read entire article)
View : 274 Times
Category : Insurance

Reducing The Risk Of Burglary   By: marcus stalder
The article reminds everyone to prepare the home for those times when you're going to be away. Burglaries usually happen to empty homes. Here are a few easy tip to reduce the risks.(read entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Insurance

Preparing For Bad Weather   By: marcus stalder
The article offers a few simple tips on how to react of you hear a forecast of bad weather. It's all a matter of common sense but, if you avoid a claim, next year's premium rate should stay low.(read entire article)
View : 318 Times
Category : Insurance

The Cost Of Disasters   By: marcus stalder
The article warns the premium rates are likely to rise to cover the cost of the weather-related disasters like Hurricane Irene. Thousands of vehicles will be damaged by falling trees and flood water.(read entire article)
View : 335 Times
Category : Insurance

Medical Clinics In Drugstores   By: marcus stalder
The article looks at the spread of medical clinics in retail environments. These clinics are staffed by nurses rather than doctors and they are filling a gap in primary care services.(read entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Insurance

Headline: Republicans' Healthcare Walk Not Matching Talk   By: marcus stalder
This article analyzes the health insurance rhetoric and past actions of Republican presidential candidates. Discover who is consistent and decide for yourself who would be the best on healthcare.(read entire article)
View : 222 Times
Category : Health

What About The Deductible?   By: marcus stalder
The article explains the ideas behind the deductible and, if you have a choice, warns of the risk of accepting too high a deductible. Too many claims too close together could seriously damage your financial health.(read entire article)
View : 195 Times
Category : Health

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