Here's the recent articles submitted by steven stevenlendon
Articles By steven stevenlendon
What Are The Essential Components Of A Psychological Assessment?
Submitted as: Steven L. McLendon
A comprehensive psychological evaluation involves a combination of assessment tools that are designed to understand the source of underlying concerns affecting behavior.(read
entire article)
View : 163 Times
Category : Health
Things To Know About Individual Therapy
Submitted as: Steven L. McLendon
Therapy (also known as psychotherapy and counseling) is a mutual process between a client and therapist that aims to help change and enhance quality of life.(read
entire article)
View : 167 Times
Category : Health
Things Involved With Adhd Testing Claremont
Submitted as: Steven L. McLendon
Does your child find it hard to focus? Do you worry about your child's inability to pay attention? Or does your child find it hard to sit still? Contact Verdant Oak Behavioral Health for more information and for answers to questions like these.(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Health
Therapy For Drug Addiction– Some Important Facts To Know
Submitted as: Steven L. McLendon
For effective cognitive behavioral therapy in Claremont, contact Verdant Oak Behavioral Health (VOBH) - a group of collaborating psychologists located in South Pasadena.(read
entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : Health
Chronic Illness – Mental Support Is Equally Important As Medication
Submitted as: Steven L. McLendon
A chronic ailment is medical condition that takes place or carries on over a long period of time. Many factors can contribute to having a chronic illness, such as heredity/genetics or lifestyle choices. For instance alcohol consumption and smoking are lifestyle factors that increases the risk of obtaining a chronic disease. Another important factor that may contribute to having a chronic ailment is aging, as human beings tend to be more susceptible to these sorts of illnesses as our bodies mature. For instance, some elderly people may obtain chronic illnesses like cancer, due to aging regardless of sound lifestyle choices.(read
entire article)
View : 168 Times
Category : Health
Anger Management With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Submitted as: Steven L. McLendon
There is a wide spectrum of interventions that address how to process unhealthy anger, with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) yielding the some of the best outcomes for learning how to cope with out of control anger and related behaviors.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Health