Here's the recent articles submitted by juan gomez
Articles By juan gomez
21 December 2012 - Mayan Profhecy 2012 - The End 2012
By: juan gomez
21 December 2012 - Mayan Profhecy 2012 - The End 2012
2012 is Real.And mainstream Medias does Not Want You To know about it.
What is really going to happen in December of 2012... and exactly how millions will be affected, and your world
will be turned upside down... forever!
December 21, 2012 will be the most important date for all of Humanity. The ancient Mayans created the Long
Count calandar to mark this date as the beginning
of a new cycle for Mankind.
But see why some people are calling 2012 "Doomsday" and the end of the world ...
As we know it! Don't believe the Nay-Sayers... Learn the Real Truth about 2012.(read
entire article)
View : 334 Times
Category : Others
21 De Diciembre 2012 - Nostradamus 2012 -profecias Mayas
By: juan gomez
21 De Diciembre 2012 - Nostradamus 2012 -Profecias Mayas
El 2012 no es una broma.
Existe una verdad que hasta este momento se ha mantenido en secreto, pero que ya no puede permanecer oculta por
más tiempo, aunque existan sectores de poder que asà lo deseen...
Como usted se imagina, el 21 de diciembre de 2012 será una fecha muy importante, será el dÃa bisagra para toda
la humanidad.
Los antiguos Mayas crearon su Calendario para conmemorar esta fecha como el comienzo de un nuevo ciclo para la
Pero por fin podrá comprender porqué algunas personas llaman a esta fecha "El Último DÃa" y se asocia con
hechos apocalÃpticos y al fin del mundo tal cual lo conocemos!
No crea todo lo que escuche...
Conozca verdad sobre Diciembre de 2012.
Tener los secretos del I-Ching..., del Calendario Maya..., las enseñanzas de los Indios Hopis..., el calendario
Azteca..., ¿en qué temas coinciden todos ellos?(read
entire article)
View : 306 Times
Category : Others
Jennifer Nicole Lee - Sexy Body - Diet Program - Weight Training
By: juan gomez
Jennifer Nicole Lee - Sexy Body - Diet Program - Weight Training
If you want to get started in the Fitness Beauty, Glamour, Entertainment Industry, you must read "The Sexy Body
Dietâ„¢" I will give you the top checklist of essential steps you must take from taking photos to creating a
website to be known, booked for jobs and considered a true, reliable professional talent in this industry!
Next time you watch the weather on your local news channel, you most likely see a very beautiful attractive
sexy woman doing the weather?
Why do you ask if she's sexy? Because NEWS IS BORING! It's raining, partly cloudy or sunny so in order to get
people to pay attention they put an eye-catching hot bombshell!(read
entire article)
View : 258 Times
Category : Fitness
Jamorama - Learn How To Play Guitar - Video Guitar Lessons
By: juan gomez
Jamorama - Learn How To Play Guitar - Video Guitar Lessons
We designed Jamorama to be the most complete and easy guitar learning method available anywhere...
The Jamorama course lessons (that's 44 chapters and 252 pages of lessons), starting at complete "I don't know
where my fingers go" beginner and taking you to "How did I get so good?" advanced guitar playing.(read
entire article)
View : 267 Times
Category : Family
Rocket Piano - Learn How To Play Piano - Free Piano Lessons
By: juan gomez
Rocket Piano - learn How To Play Piano - Free Piano Lessons
Thousands of people just like you worldwide have used my unique multimedia course to fast-track their piano
learning, while having fun in the process. Will you be next?
In Rocket Piano you get three books of step-by-step lessons, video demonstrations and high quality sound files.(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Family
Secret Recipes From Your Favorite Restaurants - Restaurant Recipes Finally Revealed
By: juan gomez
Secret Recipes From Your Favorite Restaurants - Restaurant recipes Finally Revealed
Stop waiting on those long lines at restaurants to pay for dishes you can quickly make in your own kitchen!
Re-create your favorite restaurant dishes at home for a fraction of the cost by following these easy
step-by-step instructions.
Get kudos and praise from friends and family members when they find out you actually made these delicious
dishes yourself!(read
entire article)
View : 273 Times
Category : Family
Secret Recipes Learn Spanish Online - Spanish Lessons - Rocket Languages
By: juan gomez
Learn Spanish Online - Spanish Lessons - Rocket Languages
Who Else Wants to
Learn to Speak Spanish Confidently and Naturally?
AND take all the frustration, difficulty and headache out of YOUR practice time with this EXPLOSIVE interactive
'learn Spanish' package!
So are you ready to get to know the secret of learning a new language? You're looking right at it. I have put
all of my experience and knowledge into this cutting-edge learning system, Rocket Spanish Premium. I implore
you to keep reading.(read
entire article)
View : 288 Times
Category : Family
Learn French Online - French Lessons - Rocket French
By: juan gomez
Learn French Online - French lessons - Rocket French
Je m'appelle Marie-Claire Rivière. Bienvenue and welcome to Rocket French – your place for learning French
If you've tried to learn French before and it didn't work out for you, it's not your fault. If a French course
isn't designed so you can learn your way, it will be only be a waste of time and money.(read
entire article)
View : 291 Times
Category : Family
Sports Betting - Mlb Picks - Nba Picks - Nfl Picks
By: juan gomez
Sports Betting - MLB Picks - NBA Picks - NFL Picks
Do you like betting online? How about online sports betting? Betting has been
around for centuries and it has been regarded as an exciting pastime.
If you are new to sports betting, then you should familiarize yourself with the
rudiments of this fun wagering option. Beginners will find that a working
knowledge of the ins and outs of sports betting will help them to get the most
out of the time spent perusing the sports books.(read
entire article)
View : 269 Times
Category : Business
How To Win The Lottery -lottery Systems - Lotto Software
By: juan gomez
How To win The Lottery -Lottery Systems - Lotto Software
Lottery Systems are one of the largest debates surrounding the lottery. Critics
claim that there simply cannot be a system that helps an individual to win the
lottery. Supporters of them believe it gives them the extra edge they need to win
the lottery.(read
entire article)
View : 270 Times
Category : Sports