Here's the recent articles submitted by hywel davies
Articles By hywel davies
A Guide To Therapy Treatments For Psychosis
By: hywel davies
Psychosis is a critical mental condition which needs immediate treatment. There are several good therapies and treatments for this mental disease. But whichever treatment one opt for, the most important fact is that the treatment must be done with the help of psychiatric experts to get the best results within short period of time.(read
entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Health
Facts About Mental Health And Violence
By: hywel davies
Relation between the mental sickness and violence has always been exaggerated but in reality, mental disorder of patient has nothing to do with the violence. In fact, these kinds of peoples are forced to live lonely life which increases their problem. According to a survey, people with healthy mental condition are more violent as compared with the mentally sick people.(read
entire article)
View : 154 Times
Category : Health
Five Effective Tips To Identify Schizoaffective Disorder In Early Stages
By: hywel davies
The schizoaffective disorder has been a puzzle even for the best psycho analysts as the symptoms are a mix of many mental disorders. Also the symptoms show in different ways in different people according to their age, gender and their surrounding environment. Hence it is mandatory to check for symptoms at early stage so that these subjects need not stay away from the society but lead a happy life.(read
entire article)
View : 151 Times
Category : Business
Auditory Hallucinations Are Not Supernatural Activities, But Stem From Mental Diseases
By: hywel davies
The number of people suffering from auditory hallucinations is quite increasing these days and if they are not attended and cared properly, then their condition might get worst. Instead of staying away from them and considering their problem as supernatural, it is the responsibility of their near ones to help them get immediate medical attention.(read
entire article)
View : 157 Times
Category : General
Auditory Hallucinations: Schizophrenia Vs. Anxiety
By: hywel davies
Hearing hallucinations can occur in any stage of life and the person need to get immediate medical attention to get rid of this health issue. There are various aiding tool available in the market to help them to cure this hearing problem.(read
entire article)
View : 165 Times
Category : Health