Here's the recent articles submitted by austin parker
Articles By austin parker
A Capital Place For Tourists: Ottawa, Canada
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
Canada''s capital city, Ottawa, Ontario, is green, clean and friendly. See for yourself on a boat tour along the Ottawa Canal -- in winter, this same canal''s transformed into the longest outdoor skating rink in the world! Back on land, it''s time for museum and gallery exploration, some serious shopping and a bit of fine dining in the heart of this French and English bilingual city.(read
entire article)
View : 197 Times
Category : Wedding
New York City''''s Best Pizzerias
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
No trip to the Big Apple is complete without greeting Lady Liberty, a trip up the Empire State Building, and a taste of the city''s famous pizzas. But where do you find the best pizzas that New York has to offer? Ask any group of New Yorkers and you''ll get a spirited debate, but the top pizza parlors in the city will surely include the following:(read
entire article)
View : 182 Times
Category : General
The Treasures Of Little Italy, New York City
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
New York, New York is a wonderful town. There''s so much to do and so much to see. Why not start with a wonderful tour through Little Italy?(read
entire article)
View : 196 Times
Category : Wedding
Explore The Majesty Of Niagara Falls
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
The beautiful city of Niagara Falls in Canada is more than just a destination for honeymooners. This great city has a great deal to offer, and it is a must see attraction for any first time visitor to Canada. Niagara Falls is easily accessible from upstate New York, and it is just a short drive from Buffalo. In fact Niagara Falls is so close to Buffalo that it makes a wonderful day trip for those visiting that famous city.(read
entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : General
Visit Chicago
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
Chicago is coy about its own greatness. This huge city should by no means be runner up to New York. It has an appeal all of its own and despite its large size it remains friendly and welcoming.(read
entire article)
View : 184 Times
Category : General
Boston Guide
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
Boston is America''s historic epicenter. It is renowned for its importance in America''s creation, its educational institutions and its cultural hubbub of museums, galleries and libraries.(read
entire article)
View : 182 Times
Category : General
Toronto: A Diverse City Of Arts, Sports And Heritage
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
Toronto is an exciting tourist destination offering hospitality to travelers from all over the world. Reportedly as culturally diverse as any other metropolitan area in North America, it features established ethnic neighbourhoods of nearly every background. This makes for excellent cuisine choices while in ?Toronto the Good? as it''s been known for decades.(read
entire article)
View : 199 Times
Category : Wedding
The Ultimate South African Journey: South To North On The Blue Train
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
It may only take twenty-seven hours, but they could be the most unforgettable twenty-seven hours of your life. A day and a night on South Africa''s famous Blue Train is up there in the annals of train travel along with the Orient Express and other legendary names.(read
entire article)
View : 236 Times
Category : Wedding
Plan A Visit To Brooklyn''s Children''s Museum
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
Planning a trip to New York City can be an exciting, overwhelming activity. There''s just so much to see and do. Restaurants, shopping, and entertainment vie for your attention as you pour through tourist brochures. Whatever you do, don''t forget about the kids. New York City is a place that provides wholesome, educational entertainment for the children in your life.(read
entire article)
View : 183 Times
Category : General
New York City Attractions
Submitted as: Bonny Kominek
Attractions in New York City run the gamut from the historical to the awe-inspiring to the amusing and entertaining. While there, you will never be at a loss for something to do. Wear a pair of comfortable walking shoes if you plan to visit more than one location in a day''s time.(read
entire article)
View : 192 Times
Category : General