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Articles By pooja kapoor

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Hand Eczema   By: pooja kapoor
1. Hand Eczema is a common skin condition-affecting patients of all ages, Constitutional factors that is, an inherently sensitive skin. 2. Irritation from too much exposure to wet work, detergents, oils and greases, solvents etc at home or in the workplace. 3. Contact allergy to a specific substance eg. Cement, nickel, lanolin etc. or a combination of the above factors. 4. Hand eczema is unlikely to be caused by diet. The eating of seafood as a cause of hand eczema is a misconception. It is also not an infective condition, and will not spread to other people.(read entire article)
View : 422 Times
Category : Beauty

Skin Diseases Associated With Household Work   By: pooja kapoor
Irritant contact dermatitis This is the commonest skin disorder that can arise from housework. It commonly affects the hands. The condition usually begins with mild dryness, redness, peeling and scaliness on the hands. Later cracks and crusts develop. Causes of irritant contact dermatitis due to housework commonly include detergents, cleansing agents, foodstuff, disinfectants, water and bleaches.(read entire article)
View : 437 Times
Category : Beauty

Melasma   By: pooja kapoor
The brown spots or patches on both sides of the face, especially on the cheeks, upper lips, nose and chin are called melasma. The distribution is usually symmetrical. Melasma is mainly seen in women of childbearing age. The colour in melasma darkens during sunlight exposure. Melasma tends to occur during pregnancy and with the use of oral contraceptives. Melasma may fade after childbirth or discontinuation of oral contraceptives, but it tends to persist.(read entire article)
View : 443 Times
Category : Beauty

Nail Disorders   By: pooja kapoor
Common Diseases of the Nail Nail Disorders can occur in a number of diseases. Nail disorders may occur alone or associated with rashes. Common diseases of the nails include : 1. Nail infection by bacteria, fungi, yeast and virus. 2. Paronychia - an infection of the nail fold. 3. Nail disorder due to skin disease e.g psoriasis. 4. Nail injury.(read entire article)
View : 446 Times
Category : Beauty

Psoriasis Ayurvedic Treatment Of Psoriasis    Submitted as: Aman
Ayurvedic skin treatments - has been established to promote the traditional Indian medical science of Ayurveda by taking ancient wisdom with modern techniques & concepts to make peoples free from physical and mental illness.(read entire article)
View : 368 Times
Category : Health

Atopic Eczema    Submitted as: Aman
Ayurvedic skin treatments - has been established to promote the traditional Indian medical science of Ayurveda by taking ancient wisdom with modern techniques & concepts to make peoples free from physical and mental illness.(read entire article)
View : 343 Times
Category : Health

Love Meter | Love Calculator | Love Flames    Submitted as: lovecalculator.science
Love calculator:- This Love calculator/Love meter is based on very scientific and mathematical calculations. This love meter is fun game where you can find Love scores and understanding between you and your partner. We have work very hard to make this love calculator very unique and identical. This Love calculator matches spells of your name and spells of your partner's name and calculates your identical love score based on our very scientific and mathematical formula. This Love calculator/meter is not based on any Astrology or any other technique. This love game is identical and can entertain you better than others. So enjoy this unique love calculator. How this Love calculator works:- This love game is based on a special formula based on our research on love. This love calculator is not based on any astrology or any other concept. This love game is based on our 100% unique love formula where you can find love score based on identical scientific and mathematical formula. For example if you enter any name in first box and you enter other name on second box this love calculator will find ASC11 code of each box and sent for processing to computer based on a scientific and mathematical formula. After processing it will send back processed results. So that user can find his and his partner's score Hope you are enjoying our special love meter formula.(read entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : General

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