Here's the recent articles submitted by norman hudson
Articles By norman hudson
Why Your Defecation Posture Should Be Squatting?
By: norman hudson
Most of the times, we do what we should not to do. And the high use of sitting style during poop is also from one of such acts those should not perform because, it makes the individual annoy with some awful healthful concerns.(read
entire article)
View : 211 Times
Category : Health
Don't Follow The Dysfunctional Manner Of Pooping!
By: norman hudson
The digestive health of yours is directly connected with your way of defection as if you are not doing it right then you will not be able to make the bowel cleanse properly. If the body wastage will not remove properly then, it can really become the cause of creating unwanted health problems like colon cancer, acidity, constipation, etc.(read
entire article)
View : 285 Times
Category : Health
Are You Suffering From Bad Toilet Health?
By: norman hudson
If yes then, for sure you may have any health concern due to which you come to know that you are a victim of bad toilet health. The first and very foremost reason due to which one can suffer bad toilet concerns is not using the right manner of pooping. Have you give a thought to the factor that why our ancestors were not facing the health concerns like we are confronting.(read
entire article)
View : 1351 Times
Category : Health
How Defecation Postures Affect Health Of A Human Being?
By: norman hudson
There are two most common ways those are adopted as squatting defecation postures by human. Sitting defecation posture and squatting posture both of these are frequently picked up by human being. Squatting position is grabbed by those who want to defecate in traditional manner whether it is in absence of western toilets or due to their own choice.(read
entire article)
View : 282 Times
Category : Health
Sustain Your Health With Right Way Of Defecation
By: norman hudson
The complete cleansing of your colon is highly necessitated as it is directly connected to your digestive system. If you do not use the right manner of elimination then it can show various kinds of diseases in your body. If you are thinking that it is a joke then, you are going in wrong direction.(read
entire article)
View : 301 Times
Category : Health
Gain Advantages Of Squatting As Defecation Posture
By: norman hudson
The ease we want to gain while we sleep, we talk, we eat, and during other tasks shows that we are packed in a comfort zone. Most of us do not want to come out from our comfort area. Even, we will see that in ancient times we used to live in simple homes and the daily life was not as typical as it is today.(read
entire article)
View : 310 Times
Category : Health
Don't Allow Your Body Waste To Eliminate Your Health
By: norman hudson
To come out from any disease or health issue, detoxification is the only help. If we talk about health of a human then, body waste elimination is the first detoxification. Evacuation is the act that is performed by all to eliminate the body wastage.(read
entire article)
View : 303 Times
Category : Health
Opt Right Toilet Posture With The Use Of Appropriate Toilet Stool
By: norman hudson
To get proper hydration, one needs to get healthy diet along with accuracy of metabolism and appropriate digestive system. Is that all enough to be healthy? Do you think the same? If yes, then what would you say when all the processes are running well still, you are not doing well? Is there something wrong that should be corrected on time?(read
entire article)
View : 316 Times
Category : Health
Why You Should Squat Instead To Sit In Toilet?
By: norman hudson
Most of the time, we get reminders to avail right posture while walking, sitting or even standing. But why we do not give up a thought to avail right toilet posture. However, it may not seem an appealing matter but, it is really crucial to be discussed. It is not one of the topics those commonly discussed by individuals.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Health
5 Tips To Minimize The Risk Of Colon Diseases
By: norman hudson
If we adopt something which is not acceptable then, for sure there will be some side-effects. This also happens when we keep using western toilets instead of traditional one. There are various health issues those arise just because of adopting wrong posture of pooping.(read
entire article)
View : 323 Times
Category : Health