Here's the recent articles submitted by tony angiola
Articles By tony angiola
Windows Registry Is Taking Over The World!
Submitted as: T Angel
The Windows Registry is a centralized database of configuration settings in Microsoft Windows operating systems. Every component in the Windows operating system uses the registry in one way or another.(read
entire article)
View : 242 Times
Category : Computers
A Healthy Way To Eat To Quickly Lose Weight
Submitted as: T Angel
If you want to drop weight, we all know that consuming a healthy diet should be your first priority. Certainly, exercise is important, but diet is the answer when it comes to long term weight management. I want this article to give you some easy, yet effective methods to make healthy changes in the way you eat daily.(read
entire article)
View : 250 Times
Category : Business
If You Must Eat Fast Food
Submitted as: T Angel
I was out the other day with some friends and we ate at a fast food restaurant. I despise fast food joints, but sometimes everyone else desires to go there. So you just have to make the best of it and find something on your diet. If you have no choice but to eat fast-food, here's a tip to ensure that you're not damaging your body too much...STAY AWAY FROM the soda, all things deep fried including French fries, hash browns, and breaded things like chicken nuggets, chicken patties, or breaded fish sandwiches. These are all absolutely covered in deadly trans fats from the industrial hydrogenated vegetable oils they use to fry all of these things.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Health
Cctv Technology Is A Necessity Now More Than Ever
Submitted as: T Angel
If you want to drop weight, we all know that consuming a healthy diet should be your first priority. Certainly, exercise is important, but diet is the answer when it comes to long term weight management. I want this article to give you some easy, yet effective methods to make healthy changes in the way you eat daily.(read
entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Business
Slim Fast Bars Are Junk
Submitted as: T Angel
The big lie seen all over these days... nutrition bars advertised as healthy and good for weight loss or muscle building. But if you do your home work, you see a never ending list of chemicals, sugars, processed trans fats, and other dangerous overly processed ingredients in these bars.(read
entire article)
View : 243 Times
Category : Fitness
Your Computer Needs An Oil Change
Submitted as: T Angel
If you know the importance of taking your car for an oil change every 3,000 miles then you understand the importance of computer maintenance. Many people take their cars to a service station while some change the oil themselves. Luckily, to perform computer maintenance you don't need to put your PC on a lift and get dirty underneath it. However, it's important to know what you're doing. Some people hire a "computer guy" to take care of all their PC needs. If you're a little tech savvy and know a little bit about your machine you can save some money doing these tasks yourself and maybe learn a little something on the way.(read
entire article)
View : 176 Times
Category : Computers
Can Trans Fat Burn Belly Fat?
Submitted as: T Angel
Healthy Trans Fat will actually help in burning fat. Learn the secrets to weight loss.(read
entire article)
View : 181 Times
Category : Fitness
Three Veggies That Burn Fat
Submitted as: T Angel
There are many kinds of vegetables, teas, spices, etc... that have compounds which can assist in fighting against the effects of xenoestrogens. However, one of the most powerful types is cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, etc...(read
entire article)
View : 663 Times
Category : Fitness
Two Foods To Avoid That Pack On Pounds!
Submitted as: T Angel
The two weight gaining foods that I would like to mention in this document may actually shock you... most people seem to think these two foods are good for you. In all of my time spent as a Nutritionalist, it often surprises people when I say they should think about eliminating these foods from their diet.(read
entire article)
View : 185 Times
Category : Fitness
The Best Three Fat Burning Foods
Submitted as: T Angel
In all of my time as a health Pro, I've noticed that most people are shocked to learn some of my picks for the top fat burning foods that are best for cutting pounds and good health.
I won't bore you with all of the standard "healthy foods" that you get wind about all of the time such as fruits and veggies... people know those. Instead, I'm offering to show you some shockers that most people don't understand are super good fat melting foods.(read
entire article)
View : 219 Times
Category : Fitness