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Articles By roy vera

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How To Recruit And Find Staff For Your Agency   By: roy vera
The driving force behind your medical staffing agency is how you conduct recruitment. All factors being equal, recruiting is the lifeblood of your agency and can make or break any company.(read entire article)
View : 135 Times
Category : Business

How To Become A Medical Staffing Recruiter   By: roy vera
When staffing agencies begin the recruiting process the question that seems to come up time and time again is should you use clinicians that have no experience in recruiting to hire your staff?(read entire article)
View : 139 Times
Category : Business

Starting Your Own Healthcare Staffing Agency   By: roy vera
We're Talking Serious Money Here! The best way to pre-sell information--give it away, with no strings attached--are the free article submission sites.(read entire article)
View : 151 Times
Category : Business

Recruiting Candidates With A Low Budget   By: roy vera
Potential recruits will call you if they received a recommendation from someone else. Generally clinicians will call you if they know and trust the source.(read entire article)
View : 114 Times
Category : Business

Government Staffing Procurement   By: roy vera
How to work with the Government to get staffing contracts.(read entire article)
View : 128 Times
Category : Business

How To Increase Your Staffing Profits By Upselling   By: roy vera
Upselling to keep and get medical staffing contracts..(read entire article)
View : 218 Times
Category : Marketing

Will Obama Care Destroy Medical Staffing?   By: roy vera
That is a question that many in the medical staffing industry are asking themselves, will the Obama care affect a staffing agencies ability to stay in business. Hospitals are starting to look at the specifics of what are the changes in the Industry and how are those changes going to affect how Hospitals deal with staffing or more specifically, will they be able to use contracting services to provide services(read entire article)
View : 115 Times
Category : Health

Questionable Future For Healthcare Staffing   By: roy vera
The Healthcare staffing industry has a questionable future if you refuse tomake the marketing changes that will allow you to stay in business. Whyis it needed to make changes? Because, as a simple business rule of thumb if you continue to do business the way you are presently functioning, thenyou will be out of business in less than five years.(read entire article)
View : 118 Times
Category : Health

Trends In Starting A Medical Staffing Agency   By: roy vera
Medical staffing employment trends such as radiology, nursing and OT and PT within hospitals continue to be hard-pressed to use the services of staffing agencies. Shortages seem to have a slight affect in facilities using the services of staffing agencies . The internal goals of hospitals are pushing to involve a team centered approach , what that basically means is the external shortcomings are directly ensuring that hospitals cannot make decisions without looking at what the future holds for them.(read entire article)
View : 117 Times
Category : Health

Is Starting A Healthcare Staffing Agency Expensive?   By: roy vera
I have seen companies starting a staffing agency with as little as $500 and I have seen staffing agencies start with as much as $250.000. What I have found is the difference between these two types of startups is, each has several key variables that when analyzed you will see how you can gauge and answer the question.(read entire article)
View : 97 Times
Category : Health

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