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Articles By christopher t. mccarthy

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How To Help An Anxious Child    Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
All anxiety disorders share the same 3 fundamental components. If you develop parenting strategies that address these three components you will be way ahead and in helping your childs anxiety and panic attacks.(read entire article)
View : 112 Times
Category : Family

Four Clues That Ordinary Fear Has Become A Child Anxiety Disorder   By: christopher t. mccarthy
If you are a parent and are concerned about your child's worries, seek help immediately. Treating it now can eliminate potential escalating problems in the future. Here are four clues to help you recognize when ordinary fear has become a child anxiety disorder.(read entire article)
View : 110 Times
Category : Family

Thinking Positive Thoughts About Your Anxious Child: Avoiding Four Common Negative Beliefs   By: christopher t. mccarthy
Parenting an anxious child can be mentally taxing and it's easy to become a sour grapefruit in their presence. Anxious complaints can restrict a parent's movement, demand a great deal of time, and exhaust their patience. No parent chooses to be negative, it just happens as a consequence of the anxious disorder. When I see this taking place in the families I counsel, I review the four toxic parenting beliefs associated with anxious kids and offer four strategies to cleanse the mental wasteland and restore the broken relationships.(read entire article)
View : 108 Times
Category : Family

How To Help Your Anxious Child    Submitted as: David Russ, Ph.D.
Anxiety is always far more complicated than it seems. You can not think of it like normal worry or fear. Parenting a child that suffers from anxiety disorders is hard. Setting the right expectations will help you along the way.(read entire article)
View : 122 Times
Category : Family

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