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Articles By florence blum

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Tree Time In The Miniature Garden   By: florence blum
Are you the type of person who starts to put up holiday decorations the moment Halloween has ended? Do you light the holiday candles, bake the cookies, and start shopping for everyone on your list? I tend to wait until later in the winter season to ready my home for the holidays, but one place I do like to decorate is the miniature garden.(read entire article)
View : 214 Times
Category : Home and Garden

A Happy Harvest   By: florence blum
The wind is howling. The jack o' lanterns are glowing. And in some parts of the country, the snow is falling! Yep, we have officially reached the time of year when the seasons start to move quickly and blend together.(read entire article)
View : 202 Times
Category : Home and Garden

The Stars Of The Miniature Garden   By: florence blum
During the dark, cold days of winter, when the short days are strung together by frosty mornings and bitter nights, I take comfort in the stars. Sometimes I bundle up in coat, hat, and gloves, and stand in my garden at night.(read entire article)
View : 189 Times
Category : Home and Garden

The Gift Of Gardening   By: florence blum
The holiday season is back. Can you believe it? We have officially passed through spring, summer, and fall. Once again, it is time to light the candles, put up the trees, cook the meals, and buy the gifts. Every year I tell myself that I'll start my gift search in the summertime.(read entire article)
View : 178 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Signs And Designs In The Fairy Garden   By: florence blum
Which way to the fairy garden? Now that the temperature is dropping and the skies are turning grey, my flower-filled fairy garden has been reimagined with plants for fall and winter. Where fairies once flew around bright blossoms, they now wander among the branches of evergreens and play in fields full of groundcover plants.(read entire article)
View : 182 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Choosing Winter Flowering Plants   By: florence blum
Winter is a tough season. While much of spring, summer, and fall are spent working in the garden, planting seeds and bulbs, arranging miniature accessories, and adjusting landscaping materials until they are just right, winter demands that we take a step back.(read entire article)
View : 206 Times
Category : Home and Garden

A Garden Of Thanks   By: florence blum
Well, it happened. The last bright red leaf finally loosened itself from its up-high perch where it dangled, resolute, for so many weeks. The wind carried it away on an afternoon breeze, and now a single bare tree sits in my front yard, empty of leaves.(read entire article)
View : 169 Times
Category : Home and Garden

Stepping Through The Fairy Garden   By: florence blum
On a bright, sunny day in December, a friendly pixie wanders into the fairy garden. She glances up at the evergreen winter plants, their branches extending far and wide. She looks around at the winter flowering plants, with their delicate petals and gentle leaves. They would make such lovely hideaways for a picnic or a cozy tea party! In the distance, the pixie sees fairy houses, vegetable patches, and dozens of fairy friends flying from leaf to leaf.(read entire article)
View : 180 Times
Category : Home and Garden

5 Miniature Garden Trends For 2021   By: florence blum
It's almost a new year! Are you ready for a fresh start? I am certainly looking forward to new growth, new opportunities—and plenty of newness in the miniature garden. Whether you are stepping cautiously towards 2021 or barreling ahead at full speed, you are probably starting to think about your fairy gardening goals for the coming year.(read entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Home and Garden

A Metallic Miniature Garden   By: florence blum
During the cloudy days of winter, when the sun hides and the snow accumulates, my yard can look unbelievably dreary. Leafless trees shiver in the wind. Icy patches lurk. And night comes down early, shutting down the day just as it was getting started. Yuck.(read entire article)
View : 388 Times
Category : Home and Garden

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