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Articles By avinash sawant

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Forex Trading Course In India   By: avinash sawant
Foreign exchange market is the place where currencies are bought and sold. This is a unique market because of number of reasons. Firstly, it is a market which is free of external controls and it cannot be manipulated.(read entire article)
View : 411 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Forex Trading Course In India Pune   By: avinash sawant
In continuation of our forex trading course we are here providing some very useful information about how to start with forex trading in India. Please read it carefully it is going to help you in long run.(read entire article)
View : 326 Times
Category : Business

What Is Currency/forex Trading? (currency Trading Course In India)   By: avinash sawant
Any person having basic knowledge about finance can easily get into the business of forex trading.(read entire article)
View : 733 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

Forex Trading In India For Beginners   By: avinash sawant
If you are a trader already and you come across this web-site first time then I recommend you to first learn about legal illegal forex trading in India(read entire article)
View : 775 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

How To Do Currency Trading In India?   By: avinash sawant
We “Saai Forex Education” in India Pune in continuation with our learning series of forex trading this article will through some light of what exactly currency trading Make Money from Forex Trading Foreign exchange market is the place where currencies are bought and sold. This is a unique market because of number of reasons. Firstly, it is a market which is free of external controls and it cannot be manipulated. Secondly it is largest liquid financial market of the world with transaction reaching between 1 and 1.5 trillion USD daily. Because of such large transaction, no single investor can affect the price of a major currency. Because of high liquidity, traders can open and close positions within few seconds because willing buyers and sellers always remain available in the market. Small fluctuation in the currency prices is the unique feature of this market that attracts investors with a broad range of strategies. How forex works? Forex market does not have any centralized exchange and the trade takes place via telecommunications throughout the world. Market remains open 24 hours a day from Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon. It is a very common practice for traders to speculate on currency prices by depositing some money in their trading account and borrowing the rest from their forex broker. This is known as margin trading. Margin trading Trading done with borrowed money is known as margin trading. In forex market, forex investments can be made with small money only. This allows traders to open large positions by investing much smaller capital in their trading account. Therefore a trader can carry out larger transactions very quickly with his/her small initial capital. Investment strategies Technical analysis and fundamental analysis are the two common strategies used in the forex market. Most of the small and medium sized traders use technical analysis which provides all information about the market and the future fluctuations of a particular currency can be seen in the price chain. In other words, all factors affecting the price have been considered by the market and can be seen in the price. Traders using technical analysis look at the lowest and the highest prices of a currency, volume of transactions and the opening and the closing prices of a currency. A fundamental analysis includes the analysis of the current situations in the country such as political and economic condition of the country and other related rumors. Forex trading is one of the most rewarding investments but certainly it has great risk associated with it. Margin trading helps the investors to make potential profits relative to initial capital investments. Another most important benefit of forex trading is that its huge size prevents traders to affect this market for their personal gain. In other words, forex market provides equal opportunity for making money to all the traders. Short-term investment requires a great carefulness, therefore traders using technical analysis feel relatively confident.(read entire article)
View : 649 Times
Category : Investing / Finance

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