Here's the recent articles submitted by jesse whitehead
Articles By jesse whitehead
Leftover Food Ideas That Will Save You Money
By: jesse whitehead
Need to find some ways to use that leftover meat you had for dinner? Beef, ham, and chicken are three of the most popular meats eaten by consumers, but coming up with different ways to use the leftovers can be a challenge. This article presents some ways you can use beef, ham, and chicken leftovers in ways you may have forgotten or never considered.(read
entire article)
View : 252 Times
Category : Others
4 Food Ideas That Can Save You Money
By: jesse whitehead
Looking for more ways to save money? There are many things a person can do to ease the pocketbook a bit, including making some changes in the way we prepare our food. Change need not be hard, it just need to be done. This article presents four food ideas that can save you money, and make your food budget go a little further.(read
entire article)
View : 299 Times
Category : Others
The End Of The World - Will It Happen In 2012?
By: jesse whitehead
There has been a lot of talk about the date December 21, 2012 lately, all centering on the possible end of the world as we know it. With all the commotion, perhaps we should examine this prediction as well. Is there any validity to this claim, or is it just another doomsday scenario that will come and go with barely a whisper?(read
entire article)
View : 327 Times
Category : Religion
The Many Faces Of Identity Theft
By: jesse whitehead
Personal ID crimes take on many faces and forms, and are not always easy to immediately discover. This article breaks down the different types of identity thefts, and why it is important to review your credit report and financial statements regularly to spot suspicious or fraudulent activity.(read
entire article)
View : 254 Times
Category : Others
Your Leftovers - Use Them And Save Money
By: jesse whitehead
When you're trying to find ways to stretch your budget and make your money go further, look to the leftovers. Like many people, you may dispose of your leftover food because it's a small amount, or you're not quite sure what to do with it. However, when you throw away the leftovers, you waste food that could be eaten, causing you to buy more food in the long run and spend more money. This article present a few tips on how you can use leftovers and save money.(read
entire article)
View : 225 Times
Category : Others
3 Tips For Getting Household Chores Done Quickly
By: jesse whitehead
Household chores are for some of us, just about the most unpleasant things we have to do on a regular basis. While we like to keep our house nice and clean, we don't necessarily like the things we need to do to keep it that way. Hiring a home maintenance or cleaning service is an option for those whose finances allow, but if not, the only other option is to do the work ourselves. With that in mind, this article offers three tips to help you get your home maintenance activities done more quickly and efficiently.(read
entire article)
View : 295 Times
Category : Family
4 Food Storage Ideas That Save Money
By: jesse whitehead
Reducing living expenses and saving money is a top priority for many people when the economy is bleak and future job stability is uncertain. One way a person can save is by handling and storing food in a way that reduces food spoilage. Less food going to waste means more food you will eat, and therefore less money you will spend on food in the long run. This article lists four (4) food storage ideas that can save you money.(read
entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : Family
5 Food Storage Tips That Will Save You Money
By: jesse whitehead
Are you looking for ways to save money? Do you need to stretch your budget out just a little bit more to make ends meet? Do you feel like there's nothing you can cut that you haven't done already? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may want to consider these five (5) food storage tips that will help you save money.(read
entire article)
View : 279 Times
Category : Family
5 Tips For Clearing Clogged Drains
By: jesse whitehead
If you spend much time in the kitchen, it's likely that your kitchen drain will get plugged up at some point. When it happens, resist the urge to pour a chemical drain cleaner down the sink, as these are toxic liquids that can cause burns to your skin, and may be harmful to your plumbing. Avoid the chemicals and try a "greener" solution by following these steps for unclogging your drain.(read
entire article)
View : 294 Times
Category : Family
Carbon Paper - Low-tech But Effective Alternative To Photocopiers
By: jesse whitehead
In today's electronic age, making copies of documents is as easy as putting the document in a photocopier or a scanner. However, when an electronic means of copying cannot be used, carbon paper is an effective alternative for duplicating some documents. This article presents a brief overview of what carbon paper is, and how it can be used to make copies of handwritten and typed documents.(read
entire article)
View : 276 Times
Category : Business