Here's the recent articles submitted by jesse whitehead
Articles By jesse whitehead
Demolish Your To-do List In Mere Minutes
By: jesse whitehead
If you're like most people you probably have a to-do list of things you need to get done during the day. While there may be a lot of tasks on your list, you do not need to try to get it all done at once. It's possible for you to get many small chores done and demolish your to-do list in mere minutes by using small chunks of time throughout the day.(read
entire article)
View : 280 Times
Category : Others
Don't Buy An Expensive Personal Organizer - Create Your Own!
By: jesse whitehead
A personal organizer system is an ideal way to help you stay organized and keep all of your information in one place. However, personal organizers -- both paper-based and electronic -- can be very expensive, and they usually contain categories or sections that you don't need. Fortunately, it's not really necessary to spend a lot of money on a fancy organizer, PDA or smart phone. You can do it yourself and save a lot of money. Here's how you can create your own custom personal organizer that is inexpensive and perfectly meets your needs.(read
entire article)
View : 245 Times
Category : Others
Get Errands Done Quickly - 8 Time Saving Tips
By: jesse whitehead
Many of us are so busy these days that it's hard to find time to do errands or complete our to-do list. There's no need to feel overwhelmed however. Getting your task done is a matter of planning and organizing your list and schedule in an efficient manner. Learn how to manage your to-do list and get errands done quickly by using these 8 time-saving tips.(read
entire article)
View : 266 Times
Category : Others
Get Organized And Get More Done
By: jesse whitehead
Getting yourself organized doesn't have to be a complicated process, nor does it need to take up an inordinate amount of time. There are different schools of thoughts on what are the "best" personal organization methods and systems for getting things done. However there is really no best organizational method that works for everyone. Whether complicated or simple, the system that helps you get things done in the most efficient and organized manner is what is best for you.(read
entire article)
View : 262 Times
Category : Others
Keep Your Household Chores From Becoming A Chore
By: jesse whitehead
For most of us, household chores are not the most fun or pleasant thing we do a daily basis. While the list of things we need to do around the house seems nearly endless at times your household chores do not need to be a "chore" in themselves. Do not let your chores rule your life and steal all of your spare time. Take control and share the responsibility with your family members and outsource what you cannot get done.(read
entire article)
View : 246 Times
Category : Others
Mail Handling Tips That Will Save You Time And Frustration
By: jesse whitehead
Popularity of e-mail and other electronic communication methods have prompted some prognosticators to predict that traditional mail (or snail mail as it is affectionately dubbed) will go the way of the Dodo bird. Whether or not that happens is a matter of conjecture; however most of us still have a good deal of traditional mail, magazines and sales flyers that arrive regularly in our mail box. Because snail mail will be with us for the foreseeable future, this article presents a couple of tips for handling your incoming mail that will save you time and frustration.(read
entire article)
View : 264 Times
Category : Others
Still Use A Wired Landline Phone? Save Time And Money With These Telephone Tips
By: jesse whitehead
Many people are giving up their traditional land line wired phones in favor of cell phones, VOIP and other alternate forms of communication. Although the landline phone has not quite yet gone the way of the dinosaurs, some predict it will someday. Whether or not this is true, there are still millions of people who use traditional phone service and probably will continue for the foreseeable future. If you are one of those who still uses a wired phone, this article presents a few telephone time-saver tips you may find useful.(read
entire article)
View : 262 Times
Category : Others
Teach Your Child Responsibility By Assigning Chores
By: jesse whitehead
A good way to teach your child a sense of duty and responsibility is to assign regular chores around the house. This article shows how you can give your child a job that he can own and master that will help build self-confidence and pride in getting the job done.(read
entire article)
View : 247 Times
Category : Family
Climb Out Of The All-work-and-no-play Trap
By: jesse whitehead
You've probably heard the old proverb "all work and no play make Jack a dull boy." What exactly does this saying mean? It simply means that if you never take time off from work, you'll become a bored and boring person. This article examines the importance of setting aside some time from work to improve overall happiness and quality of life.(read
entire article)
View : 229 Times
Category : Family
7 Food Storage Tips That Will Save You Money
By: jesse whitehead
It doesn't really matter whether the economy is up or down or whether money is in short supply or plentiful -- it's always a good time to save money. As the old saying goes "a penny saved is a penny earned." Often, just making a few changes in the way we do things can add up to significant savings. This article presents seven food storage tips that will keep your food fresh for a longer period of time, and help you save money as well.(read
entire article)
View : 600 Times
Category : Family