Here's the recent articles submitted by dave brandley
Articles By dave brandley
For Women-how To Choose A Costume
Submitted as: Ray Cook
Women's costumes have come a long way in recent years, but your choices still basically fall into one of two categories: sexy and everything else. This article features a few suggestions to expand on each of these themes.
R. Cook is a writer for(read
entire article)
View : 298 Times
Category : Fashion/Costume
Management Coaching To Improve Relationships With Work Associates
Submitted as: Stephanie Tuia
In order for companies and businesses to get a step ahead of the competition, they need to have the most motivated executives and managers.This article gives some suggestions on how to improve management and leadership in your company.
Stephanie Tuia is a writer for For more information about CMOE's 27 years of leadership coaching research and experience, visit us today!(read
entire article)
View : 330 Times
Category : Business
Scan Alert Versus Trust Guard
Submitted as: C Cook
With the internet opening up to more and more shoppers everyday, it is the task of website owners to make thier sites both accessible and secure for customers. Trust and security seals are an easy way to make site visitors more confident when they buy from you.
C.Cook is a writer for who writes articles about and does research on web credibility as it pertains to things like verification seals.(read
entire article)
View : 287 Times
Category : Computers
Bookwise--the Most Intelligent Home Based Business In The World
Submitted as: D Marriott
Find out about the amazing opportunity Bookwise and founder Richard Paul Evans can offer you.
D. Marriott is a web writer who loves the opportunity that books and literature afford people. For more information on this and on children's book publishers, visit
entire article)
View : 226 Times
Category : Home Based Business
Buying And Selling Time Shares
Submitted as: Larry K
Three ways to sell your time share resort property and the pros and cons of each selling option.
Larry K. is a web writer who is passionate about the opportunities that travel and time shares can bring people. For additional recommendations on buying a timeshare, take a look at
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View : 275 Times
Category : Entertainment