Here's the recent articles submitted by amanda angelina
Articles By amanda angelina
How To Maintain College Time Table And Course Management Softwares
By: amanda angelina
The college timetable software has been developed on a user-friendly interface and the algorithm auto-generates the various combinations for both teachers and students. Most of the colleges offer various subjects and give students the freedom to choose their combinations; making it difficult for the staff to manually assign classes, and this is where the college timetable software steps in to ease the process. The primary aim of the college timetable software is to provide error free assistance in assigning classes and generating the schedule.(read
entire article)
View : 332 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
How To Maintain Human Resource Management
By: amanda angelina
Starting from recruitment of an employee, the institution records all data and stores it either manually or creates innumerable files. Searching or accessing data stored in this format is a tedious task which can be simplified through the human resource management software. All employee data from their date of joining to personal details, salary information and yearly performance can be recorded and accessed through the human resource management software.(read
entire article)
View : 302 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science
How To Maintain Student And Employee Data Base
By: amanda angelina
Once a student is granted admission to a college he/she has the option to avail the hostel facility and needs to register on the hostel management system is make use of the option. The hostel management system then gathers all necessary information of the student and allocates a room based on the student's preference.(read
entire article)
View : 313 Times
Category : Technology, Gadget and Science